1 C.F.R. s 305.93-2
s305.93-2 Administrative
and Judicial Review of Prompt Corrective Action
Decisions by the Federal Banking Regulators
(Recommendation No. 93-2).
In the wake of the recent
crises in the banking industry, Congress has passed
two major statutes affecting the relationship among
the four principal banking regulators (the Board of
Governors of the Federal Reserve System, the
Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, the Office
of the Comptroller of the Currency, and the Office
of Thrift Supervision) and the industries they
supervise. [FN1] In 1989, the Financial
Institutions Reform, Recovery and Enforcement Act
gave the banking agencies extensive new enforcement
powers. The Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation
Improvement Act of 1991 (FDICIA) went further,
authorizing the federal banking agencies to take
"prompt corrective action to resolve the problems
of federally insured depository institutions," and
to do so "at the least possible long-term loss to
the deposit insurance fund." 12 USC 1831o(a) (1)
and (2). Underlying the FDICIA scheme is Congress'
belief that by acting quickly at the earliest sign
of problems, the banking agencies may be able to
prevent the failure or further deterioration of
regulated institutions.
FN1 The Board of Governors
of the Federal Reserve System is an independent
federal agency with primary federal responsibility
for the regulation of all bank holding companies,
state-chartered banks that are members of the
Federal Reserve System, and foreign banks. The
Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, also an
independent federal agency, administers the Bank
Insurance Fund for commercial banks and the Savings
Association Insurance Fund for savings and loans,
has primary federal responsibility for the
regulation of all state-chartered federally insured
banks that are not members of the Federal Reserve
System, and has secondary regulatory authority over
all other federally insured banks and thrifts. The
Office of the Comptroller of the Currency, located
within the Treasury Department, charters and
supervises all national banks. The Office of Thrift
Supervision, also located within the Treasury
Department, charters all federally chartered
savings and loans and supervises all savings and
loan holding companies and federally insured
savings associations.
FDICIA added a new section
38 to the Federal Deposit Insurance Act, which
requires banking regulators to take prompt
corrective action (PCA) to preempt the possibility
that a bank or savings association will fail or, if
failure appears likely, to seize the bank early
enough to ensure that there remain assets within
the institution sufficient to cover its
liabilities. The PCA framework is premised on a
"tripwire" approach, under which banking regulators
may take increasingly severe action, on a
stage-by-stage basis, against a depository
institution as the capital and soundness of the
institution decline. FDICIA creates a system of
five capital classifications, ranging from well
capitalized to critically undercapitalized, within
which bank regulators place institutions based on
the application of capital standards. Downgrading
of an institution's capital classification not only
subjects it to increasing intervention by
regulators, but also automatically triggers certain
restrictions on the institution's activities (e.g.,
loss of authority to accept brokered deposits or to
make payments on subordinated debt). In addition to
considering capital standards, regulators may
reclassify the institution based on a determination
that it is in an unsafe or unsound condition or is
engaging in an unsafe or unsound
Before passage of FDICIA,
the banking agencies took coercive action through
the formal enforcement provisions of section 8 of
the Federal Deposit Insurance Act, which provides
extensive procedural protections. The new section
38, on the other hand, accommodates the need for
banking agencies to respond quickly to developing
problems by permitting exercise of functionally
similar powers outside the formal procedural
framework of section 8. Moreover, although FDICIA
dramatically increased the importance of capital
classifications, and the standards on which they
are based, in the regulatory scheme, the bank
examination process in which these determinations
are made is very informal, with limited opportunity
for review. Specifically, while section 38 makes
provision for limited procedural protection for an
individual who is dismissed from office as a result
of a PCA directive, as well as for an institution
subject to a determination that it is in an unsafe
or unsound condition, it does not provide for
administrative review of PCA decisions, nor does it
expressly provide for--or preclude-- judicial
review of PCA determinations.
The Administrative
Conference believes that, in light of the
significance of prompt corrective actions, greater
procedural protection is appropriate. On the other
hand, since time will often be of the essence in
meeting FDICIA's goals of avoiding bank failures
and minimizing the drain on the bank insurance
funds, any procedural requirements must permit
expeditious action and must be limited to those
situations where agency actions have the severest
impact. Moreover, any scheme for expanded review of
PCA decisions must take into account the broad
discretion Congress has afforded the banking
agencies in determining and applying standards in
this area.
The Conference believes
that administrative review should be available for
decisions that have an adverse effect on an
institution's capital classification. These
decisions, which are ordinarily made in the context
of a bank examination rather than in a PCA
directive, form the basis for any PCA action that
may be taken against an institution. The highly
informal and discretionary mechanisms for review of
examination decisions that are currently provided
by the banking agencies were designed for use in an
atmosphere of trust and close working relationships
between bankers and examiners. In the current
environment, a somewhat more structured
administrative review by a higher-level reviewing
authority within the agency would promote fairness
and more consistent results.
Providing a more effective
administrative review mechanism is particularly
important here where, because of the broad
discretion afforded agencies to interpret fairly
general statutory standards and the subjective
nature of some of the determinations that must be
made in the examination process, judicial review
may be of limited effectiveness. Moreover, the
proposed review process would provide a more
meaningful record for judicial review in those
cases where it can be effective. Paragraph 1 of
this recommendation proposes a uniform,
record-creating appeal process for decisions by all
federal banking agencies in which an institution's
capital classification is determined or changed.
The banking agencies' rules should make clear
whether changes in capital classification will
ordinarily go into effect while administrative
review is pending or will not become final until
after administrative review; in either case, agency
rules should provide for exceptions from ordinary
practice in appropriate circumstances.
In addition, judicial
review should be available for some of the most
crucial PCA decisions. Institutions that have
suffered adverse capital classifications and
persons who have been dismissed as a result of PCA
directives should be able to seek judicial review
of those decisions, and the provisions governing
judicial review in these cases should be made
uniform across all the relevant federal banking
Similarly, any action to
appoint a conservator or receiver for an
institution should be judicially reviewable. Some
such actions are already reviewable under existing
law, though section 38 may be interpreted to
preclude such review. Congress should clarify that
review is available for all such decisions made by
every federal banking agency and should provide for
uniform standards of review and time limits for
review of these decisions. The Conference
recognizes the need for flexibility in determining
whether an adverse capital classification or prompt
corrective action decision should take effect
pending judicial review and concludes that stays of
agency action should be discretionary rather than
1. Administrative Appeals
of Classification Decisions
a. In formulating an
appeal process for independent internal review of
classification decisions, the federal banking
agencies should promulgate rules providing for an
appeal to a senior official by a depository
institution of a decision of an examiner or
regional director that results in an adverse
capital classification of the institution
(including a decision to assign the institution a
less-than-satisfactory rating for asset quality,
management, earnings, or liquidity).
b. The appeal procedures
should provide that:
(1) The affected
institution is given immediate notice of its right
to appeal;
(2) The institution is
provided with a written report stating the reasons,
including the factual bases, for the adverse
classification or rating;
(3) The institution has an
opportunity to supply further facts and
information, make written representations, and, in
the agency's discretion, present oral testimony and
argument; and
(4) The agency's final
decision is issued within a specified
c. The agencies also
should specify in their rules whether or not an
adverse capital classification decision will
ordinarily be stayed pending completion of the
internal appeal process and, in either event,
provide for exceptions where special circumstances
justify departure from regular practice.
Judicial Review of Final
Agency Decisions [FN2]
a. Congress should amend
section 38 of the Federal Deposit Insurance Act, 12
U.S.C. 1831o, to permit a depository institution
that has suffered an adverse capital
classification, or a person who has been dismissed
pursuant to section 38(n) of the Act, 12 U.S.C.
1831o(n), to seek judicial review of the federal
banking agency's final decision in a federal
district court.
FN2 In making these
recommendations related to judicial review of
decisions by federal banking agencies, the
Administrative Conference takes no position on
whether and to what extent judicial review of these
decisions is available under current
(1) A party affected by an
adverse capital classification should be required
to seek review within 10 days of receiving notice
of the agency's final decision.
(2) The court should
review the agency's decision under the standards of
judicial review set forth in 5 U.S.C.
(3) Whether the agency's
ruling is stayed pending judicial review should be
determined by the court under the usual standards
for granting stays.
b. Congress should amend
section 38 of the Federal Deposit Insurance Act, 12
U.S.C. 1831o, to clarify that it does not preclude
judicial review of decisions to appoint a
conservator or receiver under the terms of section
38(h)(3), 12 U.S.C. 1831o(h)(3).
(1) In addition, Congress
should amend section 2 of the National Bank
Receivership Act, 12 U.S.C. 191, to provide for
judicial review of decisions to appoint receivers
for national banks, and section 11(p) of the
Federal Reserve Act, 12 U.S.C. 248(p), to provide
for judicial review of decisions by the Board of
Governors of the Federal Reserve System to appoint
conservators and receivers for state member
(2) Congress should also
amend the provisions relating to judicial review of
decisions by all the federal banking agencies to
appoint conservators and receivers so as to provide
(i) A consistent standard
of review in accordance with 5 U.S.C. 706;
(ii) Consistent time
limits within which judicial review must be sought
after a conservator or receiver has been
Authority: 5 U.S.C.
SOURCE: 58 FR 45410,
August 30, 1993; 57 FR 61760, 61768, Dec. 29, 1992,
unless otherwise noted.
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