
Once every twenty years Florida's Constitution provides for the creation of
a thirty-seven member revision commission for the purpose of reviewing
Florida's Constitution and proposing changes for voter consideration. The
Commission meets for approximately one year, traveling the State of
Florida, identifing issues, performing research, and possibly recommending changes
to the Constitution. The last comprehensive review of Florida's Constitution
occurred in 1997-1998. By then, Florida's
population had grown by 63 percent since the 1977-1978 commission convened. Equally significant is the projection
that Florida's population will exceed 17 million by the year 2010. This
astronomical population growth impacts the state in such areas as
transportation, education, health care, natural resources, pollution and
crime. The state's treatment of such important issues rests primarily in
the Constitution, and the Revision Commission looks to the
citizens of this state for direction and suggestions.
See the current
Florida Constitution.
1997-1998 Constitutional Convention
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