Revision Efforts in Other States

Florida is not the only state undergoing the constitution revision process. Five other states, including Alaska, Arkansas, California, New York, and Utah, are in the process of considering recommendations from commissions relating to revisions to their constitutions. It is interesting to note, however, that of the other states considering changes to their constitutions, none have a constitutionally-created revision commission. In addition, none of those states' commissions have the authority to place recommendations directly on the ballot for consideration by the electorate.

STATE Commission Name Method of Creation  Membership  Funding  Purpose
 Alaska Constitutional Revision Task Force  Legislative  5 members   To study alternatives to current methods of revising the constitution.
 Arkansas Governor's Task Force For a New Constitution Executive Order  31 members  $100,000  To prepare for a constitutional convention.
 California  California Constitutional Revision Commission  Legislative 23 members   $1.148 million  To study and make recommendations to the legislature for amendments.
 New York Temporary State Commission on Constitutional Revision  Executive Order  18 members    To develop broad agenda on constitutional issues and to determine citizens' views on constitutional change.
 Utah  Utah Constitutional Revision Commission  Legislative  16 members  $1.023 million Study constitution and recommend changes.

Source: The Book of States (1995-1996)