CRC - 2017 P 6009 By the Committee on Style and Drafting 350-00440-17 20176009__ 1 2 REVISION 9 3 4 A proposal to amend Section 5 of Article VI of the 5 State Constitution to authorize all qualified 6 electors, regardless of party affiliation, to vote in 7 a partisan primary election for an office if all the 8 candidates for the office have the same party 9 affiliation and the winner will be opposed only by one 10 or more write-in candidates in the general election. 11 12 Be It Proposed by the Constitution Revision Commission of 13 Florida: 14 15 Section 5 of Article VI of the State Constitution is 16 amended to read: 17 ARTICLE VI 18 SUFFRAGE AND ELECTIONS 19 SECTION 5. Primary, general, and special elections.— 20 (a) A general election shall be held in each county on the 21 first Tuesday after the first Monday in November of each even 22 numbered year to choose a successor to each elective state and 23 county officer whose term will expire before the next general 24 election and, except as provided herein, to fill each vacancy in 25 elective office for the unexpired portion of the term. A general 26 election may be suspended or delayed due to a state of emergency 27 or impending emergency pursuant to general law. Special 28 elections and referenda shall be held as provided by law. 29 (b) If all candidates for an office have the same party 30 affiliation and the winner will have either no opposition in the 31 general election, or opposition only from one or more write-in 32 candidates, then all qualified electors, regardless of party 33 affiliation, may vote in the primary elections for that office. 34 35 BE IT FURTHER PROPOSED that the following statement be placed on 36 the ballot: 37 38 CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENT 39 ARTICLE VI, SECTION 5 40 PRIMARY ELECTIONS.—Currently, all qualified voters, 41 regardless of party affiliation, may vote in primary elections 42 when all candidates have the same party affiliation and there is 43 no opposition, including write-in candidates, in the general 44 election. This amendment provides that the presence of write-in 45 candidates on the ballot will not prevent all qualified voters 46 from voting in primary elections.