#4 Initiative (Fee on Everglades sugar production) Provides that the South Florida Water Management District shall levy an Everglades sugar fee of one cent per pound on raw sugar grown in the Everglades agricultural area for the purpose of conservation and protection of natural resources and abatement of one cent per pound on raw sugar grown in the Everglades agricultural area for the purpose of conservation and protection of natural resources and abatement of water pollution in the Everglades. Pending
#5 Initiative (Everglades abatement) Amends Article II, section 7 to provide that those in the Everglades agricultural area who caused water pollution within the area shall be primarily responsible for paying the costs of the abatement of that pollution. Pending
#6 Initiative (Everglades trust fund) Establishes an Everglades trust fund to be administered by the South Florida Water Management District for the purposes of conservation and protection of natural resources and abatement of water pollution in the Everglades. Pending

This document represents a compilation of materials assembled by Janet Lanigan, Legislative Library, by Jo Dowling, Florida Supreme Court Library, and by the Public Administration Clearing Service, University of Florida.

For all amendments generated by the Legislature, the year immediately preceding the ballot date is the year that the Legislature approved it for submission to the voters. A letter suffix indicates the proposal was generated from a Special Session. Amendments proposed by initiative or revision commission are not required to pass through the Legislature and therefore have no reference or bill number.