State Seal Calendar

Meeting Proceedings for May 5, 1998 (File size=134K)


          1                          STATE OF FLORIDA
                             CONSTITUTION REVISION COMMISSION



                                    COMMISSION MEETING



              DATE:                   May 5, 1998
              TIME:                   Commenced at  9:00 a.m.
         11                           Concluded at 11:30 a.m.

         12   PLACE:                  The Senate Chamber
                                      The Capitol
         13                           Tallahassee, Florida

         14   REPORTED BY:            JULIE L. DOHERTY, RPR
                                      Court Reporter
         15                           Division of Administrative Hearings
                                      The DeSoto Building
         16                           1230 Apalachee Parkway
                                      Tallahassee, Florida










          1                             APPEARANCES


          3   CARLOS ALFONSO
              CLARENCE E. ANTHONY
          4   ANTONIO L. ARGIZ
              PAT BARTON
          6   ROBERT M. BROCHIN
          7   KEN CONNOR
              CHRIS CORR
              VALERIE EVANS
              PAUL HAWKES
              DICK LANGLEY (ABSENT)
         13   JOHN F. LOWNDES
              STANLEY MARSHALL
         14   JACINTA MATHIS
              JON LESTER MILLS
         15   FRANK MORSANI
         16   CARLOS PLANAS
              JUDITH BYRNE RILEY
              SENATOR JIM SCOTT
         18   H. T. SMITH
              ALAN C. SUNDBERG
              PAUL WEST
              STEPHEN NEAL ZACK
              IRA H. LEESFIELD (ABSENT)





          1                             PROCEEDINGS

          2             (Quorum taken and recorded electronically.)

          3             SECRETARY BLANTON:  Quorum call, quorum call.  All

          4        Commissioners, indicate your presence.  All Commissioners,

          5        indicate your presence.

          6             CHAIRMAN DOUGLASS:  Everybody punch the button again.

          7        If you have already punched it, punch it again.

          8             (Pause.)

          9             SECRETARY BLANTON:  A quorum present, Mr. Chairman.

         10             CHAIRMAN DOUGLASS:  If you would come to order and be

         11        seated, we can determine -- I think there is at least one

         12        absent.  Would you come to order, please?

         13             Will the Commissioners and the guests in the gallery

         14        please rise for the opening prayer this morning by the

         15        Reverend Doug Dortch of the First Baptist Church in

         16        Tallahassee.  Reverend Dortch.

         17             REVEREND DORTCH:  Let's bow together for prayer.  Our

         18        Father and our God, we are grateful for this day, and for

         19        the gift of life.  We gather this morning to acknowledge

         20        you as the giver, also, of the perfect law of life and

         21        liberty.

         22             You teach us that you would have everything done

         23        decently and in order.  And I thank you this morning for

         24        these men and women who have given of themselves over this

         25        last year to ensure that in our state we do things in


          1        accordance with your will.  They gather this morning with

          2        a sense of celebration and relief, but also with still

          3        business to be done.

          4             So we pray that as you are present this morning that

          5        you would be with them, that you would guide their

          6        deliberations, that you would cause a sense of consensus

          7        to permeate in this place among each individual as

          8        together the report and recommendations add to the quality

          9        of life for all Floridians.  And that in some way, by what

         10        they are about, your will might be done and your kingdom

         11        may come here in Florida as it always is in Heaven.  So we

         12        pray, amen.

         13             CHAIRMAN DOUGLASS:  Would you remain standing for the

         14        pledge of allegiance led this morning by Courtney and

         15        Christopher Corr, Ariana Marie and Carlos Samuel Alfonso,

         16        Austin and Wells Buzzett, Elliott and Jacinta Camille

         17        Mathis and Susan Evans.  Susan is our ex-officio member.

         18             (Pledge of allegiance.)

         19             CHAIRMAN DOUGLASS:  Before we proceed to the daily

         20        order of business, I'd like to make a few general remarks.

         21        First of all, I'd like to welcome all of you back to

         22        Tallahassee.  I'm always delighted when we get together.

         23        And I want you to know that Terese and I thoroughly

         24        enjoyed hosting those of you who were able to come last

         25        night, and your families, at our home.  We had a great


          1        time and I hope you did, too.

          2             There are many, many thank yous and nods of

          3        appreciation and ceremonial proceedings necessary before

          4        we conclude our work today.  And then we will follow those

          5        actions with an outline of the commission's plans from now

          6        until November, then make a few closing remarks about the

          7        commission and its work.

          8             First I'd like to make some recognitions here that

          9        were very important to our work.  Many of these people we

         10        weren't aware how hard they did work, many we were.  The

         11        commission could not have conducted its work, however,

         12        without the generous help and support of the Florida

         13        Senate.  To them we owe a great debt of gratitude and

         14        sincere thanks to you, President Jennings.  Your staff was

         15        outstanding, but your participation made our job and our

         16        product a much better thing than we could have otherwise

         17        had.  We are very proud to have you sitting in our group

         18        and we look forward to working with you for many years.

         19        We are going to do away with these term limits for you.

         20             (Applause.)

         21             CHAIRMAN DOUGLASS:  Her staff has certainly been more

         22        than accommodating and served this commission just as it

         23        serves the Senate.  I think Commissioner Scott will tell

         24        you they served the Senate, and Crenshaw both have been

         25        there, but they served us just as well.  And without them


          1        we couldn't have made it.  They served with professional

          2        style and grace.  Not many bodies can say that.

          3             The Senate staff has been directed, of course, by

          4        Faye Blanton, who corrects me quite often, and who

          5        followed us and assisted us in our work through the public

          6        hearings and during our meetings in Tallahassee.  Faye

          7        worked very hard on this and for us.  Thank you, Faye.

          8        You are just representative of what a public servant

          9        should be.  We are very proud you have been our Secretary.

         10             (Applause).

         11             CHAIRMAN DOUGLASS:  A standing ovation was in lieu of

         12        a bonus.

         13             (Laughter.)

         14             CHAIRMAN DOUGLASS:  You certainly deserve one.  We

         15        really appreciate it.

         16             Also the Sergeant at Arms group under the direction

         17        of Wayne Todd.  Wayne, thank you for your group.

         18             (Applause.)

         19             CHAIRMAN DOUGLASS:  Well, Wayne has lost so much

         20        weight, we can't see him.

         21             And now we would like to recognize every member of

         22        the staffs who have assisted us in this process.  I want

         23        to apologize in advance for anyone I have overlooked on

         24        this list and blame it on Billy Buzzett and Faye for not

         25        giving me the right names.


          1             Members of the Senate staff who worked with the

          2        commission include, from the front office; Debbie Brown,

          3        Evelyn Harrell, Bonnie Varble, Lisa Wiggins.  These are

          4        for the record and for the permanent record.

          5             Calendar and Filing, Gary McKenzie; Copy Rooms, Bill

          6        McCully and Mike Thurmond; Distribution Center, Charlie

          7        Frier; Documents, Ericka Ford; Journal, Linda Hamilton,

          8        Shirley Joyce, Jane Raker, Geri Copeland; Engrosssing and

          9        Enrolling, Jhonnie Gillispie, Courtney Christian, and

         10        Marjorie Perkins; Legal Research and Drafting, Robert

         11        Kennedy, Jan Blue, Don Boggs, Maryann Carter, Jim Griner,

         12        Charlotte Kerce, Bob Lester, Norma McKee, Joan Macmillan,

         13        Gloria Merritt, Mary Ellen Mockbee, Carrie Riley, Jeanne

         14        Ruppert, Bill Ryan.

         15             From the Print Shop; Art Reddick, Brenda Cody,

         16        Shirley Coyle, Scooter Duncan, Jessie Henderson, Davie

         17        Rabon, Laverne Rudd, Mike Stallings, Richard Trevathan.

         18        Reading Clerks, Will Lindsley and Nicki Wilson.  They did

         19        a great job for us.  Sound Booth, Carol Snider.

         20        Photography, Paulette Lowry.

         21             Members of the Senate committee staff included Curtis

         22        Austin, Brenda Barineau, David Beggs, Patty Blackburn,

         23        Sarah Jane Bradshaw, Debbie Brown, John Guthrie, Linda

         24        Harkey, Evelyn Harrell, Glenda Ingram, Lori Ivarson,

         25        Barbara Jordan, Donna Kerce, Greg Krasovsky, Glenn Lang,


          1        Sue Mitchell, Beth Presnell, Diane Vause, Wayne Voigt,

          2        Linda West, Beverly Whiddon, Ray Wilson and Tom Yeatman.

          3             Members of the Senate Sergeant at Arms staff include

          4        Chris Carter, Terry Darsaw, Jeff Fleming, Tommy Hunt, Joey

          5        Matthews, Donald Severance, Josh Stephens and Chris

          6        Vowell.

          7             Members of the Division of -- I probably ought to

          8        make a special note of Don, who went with us on all our

          9        public hearings and protected the Chief Justice and me

         10        from great harm in Daytona Beach by being there.

         11             (Applause.)

         12             CHAIRMAN DOUGLASS:  That's a joke.  We weren't really

         13        in anything except our usual danger for saying too much.

         14             Members of the Division of Administrative Hearings

         15        Court Reporters Kristen Bentley, Julie Doherty and Mona

         16        Whiddon.  They sat up there and we didn't see them, but

         17        they are here today and they did a great job.  Okay.

         18             I think that takes care of our recognitions at this

         19        point in that respect.  Now the commission's work, as

         20        you-all know, was coordinated and steered by hard-working

         21        and dedicated staff who also deserve special recognition.

         22        I want to give a special recognition to Billy Buzzett.

         23        Billy is the most efficient commuter I have ever dealt

         24        with.  He sleeps on the beach, he comes to work in the

         25        morning and somehow or other he is still around at night


          1        and he is back on the beach.  He, as you all know,

          2        commutes from over in Sea Grove Beach in Walton County.

          3             But the work that Billy does and his ability to work

          4        with people has caused our job to be much, much more

          5        effective and easier to perform.  He keeps up with what's

          6        going on and he is very attendant to the needs of the

          7        commissioners as well as to making sure that their views

          8        are heard by everyone involved.  Billy is a master at

          9        saving public funds and I would recommend him as one of

         10        the most tight-fisted people with government money that I

         11        have dealt with in the many years that I have been here.

         12             I'd like to give a special recognition to our

         13        executive director, Billy Buzzett.

         14             (Applause.)

         15             CHAIRMAN DOUGLASS:  I want you to know that 20 years

         16        ago the executive director was Steve Uhfelder and he has

         17        gone on to great things.  He is in Holland and Knight.

         18        And he did something else, too.  Isn't he on the Board of

         19        Regents or something like that?  I think Billy will

         20        probably go on to great rewards.

         21             A special comment also must go to Deborah Kearney.

         22        Debby was Deputy General Counsel when I was General

         23        Counsel to the Governor.  And I want you to know that Jay

         24        Peterson and I shared one thing:  Debby did all the work.

         25        And we talked to everybody and got credit for everything


          1        that was good and blamed everything bad on Debby.  And she

          2        took it very well.

          3             That continued here.  Debby was always available

          4        working into the night and she is one of the best lawyers

          5        that I have had the privilege to practice with over the

          6        years.  And I am very proud to present our General Counsel

          7        for recognition, Debby Kearney.

          8             (Applause.)

          9             CHAIRMAN DOUGLASS:  Now don't take that too

         10        seriously, Debby.  It is time to go to work.  We really do

         11        appreciate it, Debby.  And I think that applause says it

         12        all.

         13             Other staff members who have contributed to making

         14        this run smoothly include my executive assistant, Suellen

         15        Cone, who I also swiped from the Governor's office.

         16        Suellen.

         17             (Applause.)

         18             CHAIRMAN DOUGLASS:  I think she is responsible for

         19        that horrible caricature of -- no, that was Debby -- of

         20        Commissioner Bulldog and me out on the front.  I didn't

         21        see that.  Commissioner Bulldog, in case you don't know,

         22        is Barkdull, Commissioner Barkdull.

         23             Lynn Imhof who was the person who balanced everything

         24        and she worked for all of us in Billy's office.  She

         25        was -- we brought her from the House of Representatives


          1        and they were so kind as to let us have her as the, one of

          2        our executive assistants.  Lynn Imhof.  Where are you,

          3        Lynn?

          4             (Applause.)

          5             CHAIRMAN DOUGLASS:  And two attorneys that, you know,

          6        really worked hard throughout this process and were quite

          7        effective, Debbie Ben-David.  Debbie.

          8             (Applause.)

          9             CHAIRMAN DOUGLASS:  And Chris Martinez.  Chris.

         10             (Applause.)

         11             CHAIRMAN DOUGLASS:  Our communications director, Ron

         12        Morris.  Ron?  He is somewhere, he is up there.

         13             (Applause.)

         14             CHAIRMAN DOUGLASS:  Our website coordinator Michelle

         15        Taylor; interns Evan Borysko, Sheila Carpenter, Kyle

         16        Mitchell, Monica Richter, and Scott Smith.  That was our

         17        entire staff and they just did a great job and we are very

         18        proud to have worked with them.  You will note that all

         19        the work here was done by females and not males alike.

         20        You might note that.  Twenty years from now it may be the

         21        other way around, we will never know.  I sincerely

         22        appreciate the contributions of these people and I'm sure

         23        you join me in that.

         24             Mostly, on behalf of the citizens of Florida, I'd

         25        like to personally thank each member of the commission and


          1        I would like to present each of you with a token of

          2        appreciation for a job well done.  We commissioned John

          3        Roberge of the Tallahassee Democrat to draw caricatures of

          4        each Commissioner with a caption for each.  I trust that

          5        you will treasure this memento as much as I do a similar

          6        drawing done from the 1978 commission.  And I would like

          7        to read each caption to you and say just a comment about

          8        each commissioner and these drawings.

          9             You will remember, I kept that one of mine in the

         10        office.  A lot of you have seen it.  And I have to go back

         11        to it every once in a while to remember who was on the

         12        commission.  As you get older, 20 years from now, you may

         13        have to do the same thing.

         14             Would somebody hand me one and I'll start reading

         15        them.  Everybody has got one but me, right?  I hear

         16        Clarence laughing already.  Let's start with Clarence

         17        since he is the first one.  The caption on Clarence says,

         18        "Clarence to Kelvin, come in Kelvin."

         19             They don't allow these cell phones in the Senate

         20        chamber, but Clarence didn't know that.  He used it a lot.

         21        I would like to say about Clarence that he brought to our

         22        group a lot of information and knowledge that we, most of

         23        us don't have about municipal government and local

         24        government.  And he also represented the rural parts of

         25        our state very effectively.  And was a real hard worker


          1        and made most of the meetings except when he played hooky

          2        to get married and went on his honeymoon.  Clarence, thank

          3        you, personally, very much for the job you have done.

          4             Next we have Commissioner Zack, "Can't we have Bern's

          5        cater next time?"  It's reflected by his amble girth.  We

          6        got him where it really counts and that's at the food bar.

          7        But, Commissioner Zack, your constant speaking out for

          8        fairness was appreciated by all of us.  And your devotion

          9        to the rights of individuals is legendary and certainly

         10        you showed that to us.  And we each appreciate it.  And I

         11        personally thank you for your service.

         12             Commissioner Hawkes' says, "On behalf of Speaker

         13        Webster."  And Commissioner Hawkes was a good spokesman

         14        for Speaker Webster, when it was necessary for him to do

         15        so.  He was also a good spokesman for the point of view

         16        that he expressed on many issues, including taxation and

         17        others.  Commissioner Hawkes, thank you for your service,

         18        and I'm sure Citrus County will be proud of you when they

         19        find out all the good things you have done.

         20             Next is Commissioner Scott.  And he says, "If I would

         21        have known that, I wouldn't have voted for it."  Well,

         22        Commissioner Jennings says that he says that quite often

         23        in the Senate, that certainly we shouldn't think much of

         24        that.

         25             But Commissioner Scott served on two of our most


          1        important committees, Rules and Style and Drafting, and as

          2        such was a major, major force in what we were able to

          3        accomplish.  And one of the things that most of you may

          4        not remember, Commissioner Scott served on the planning

          5        commission for this group.  And he has put in many hours

          6        not only with us but at the same time doing his job as a

          7        Senator, representing one of our very largest and most

          8        important areas of the state, as well as the whole state.

          9             And, Commissioner Scott, we all thank you for your

         10        service and your sacrifice and I personally appreciate all

         11        you have done.  By the way, I have another bull I would

         12        like to sell you.

         13             COMMISSIONER SCOTT:  I want to know where your

         14        caricature is.

         15             CHAIRMAN DOUGLASS:  I haven't found it yet.  It is

         16        there, though.  Keep looking.

         17             Next says, for Commissioner Thompson, "If I can keep

         18        the peace here, they should send me to the Middle East."

         19        He is best noted for his interpretation of Claude Pepper's

         20        approach.  If you all missed that, you really missed a

         21        treat.

         22             But also he was on the Rules Committee and he served

         23        on many, many committees and brought a point of view to

         24        our group that was very necessary and needed.  It was

         25        balanced and more centrist probably than many other views,


          1        but he certainly brought quality to our group.  James

          2        Harold, we all appreciate your sacrifice and service and

          3        we know it was difficult for you to do that.

          4             Then we have Debby Kearney's in the middle there.

          5        And she is, "I have one more technical amendment."  And I

          6        hope not, we don't need any of those.  But I have already

          7        spoken to Debby.

          8             Then we have Commissioner Jennings.  And she says, "I

          9        hope my Senators aren't picking up these bad habits."

         10        And, Commissioner Jennings, we have already said some good

         11        things about you.  But I'll tell you that she was told by

         12        Commissioner Scott, when she did some things that they

         13        don't do in the Senate, such as suggesting somebody hadn't

         14        voted and she was going to sit there until they did, and

         15        somebody told her, well, you sure have picked up some of

         16        Douglass' bad habits.  And then of course the Secretary

         17        never has to tell her that she has done wrong.  I'm sure

         18        that's true.

         19             Commissioner Jennings, again, thanks.

         20             Then Commissioner Freidin, "It's female and male

         21        alike."  Commissioner Freidin, a devotee of individual

         22        rights, a person who is very passionate in her beliefs

         23        that we should treat all people alike.  And you certainly

         24        brought that to us with great grace.  Thank you.

         25             Commissioner Barton.  Hers is, "I finally made it to


          1        the front row."  Well, Commissioner Barton, we are

          2        delighted you did and that you became able to cast your

          3        ballots.  And she has a great history of public service

          4        with both the Republican party and also with many other

          5        efforts in the drug area and so on.  And she brought a

          6        great deal of class to our group and represented the

          7        southwest coast very well.  Commissioner Barton, thank

          8        you.

          9             And then we have Commissioner Nabors.  "Surprise, I

         10        have a new draft of the sales tax."  Now, Commissioner

         11        Nabors, you are not going to get 25 votes to go into that,

         12        I can assure you.  But here is a fellow that really

         13        brought the fiscal policy of the state into question for

         14        us, also was a great resource on local government.  Thank

         15        you, Commissioner Nabors.

         16             And then there is Commissioner Evans who says, "Just

         17        say no."  Commissioner Evans was one of those 36 to 1's a

         18        couple of times, but she convinced us all that she is a

         19        person of great principle and she follows those even when

         20        it seems hopeless.  And she brought to us a point of view

         21        we needed and we are very proud she was with us.

         22             And her ex-officio member, her daughter, has been a

         23        real influence to us all, and we were delighted to have

         24        you both.  Thank you.

         25             And then we go to the executive director who says,


          1        "We are in great shape."  Now, he says that when we are

          2        totally destroyed.  He comes in and says, we are really

          3        rolling.  That's when we are tied up for two hours.  But

          4        he is the eternal optimist, and that reflects that.

          5        Billy, thank you again.

          6             Then we go to Ander Crenshaw.  Yeah, he is here,

          7        there he is.  He says, "My reapportionment commission bill

          8        was different; the Democrats were in power then."

          9        Commissioner Crenshaw, we were delighted to have your

         10        resource of experience and background and also your point

         11        of view on many issues.  And thank you very much.

         12             And then we have professor/commissioner/judge, many

         13        other titles, Wetherington.  You all know, he was just a

         14        great person because he would get up with his sincerity,

         15        he was hard to resist, even on some of those crack-brained

         16        ideas he was talking about.  He was a great member of our

         17        commission.  And he says, "What do you think about that?

         18        Forget the rules."  Now that's judicial experience that

         19        got into that.

         20             I think -- Justice Kogan and I were talking -- the

         21        one you have all heard about the guy getting up in front

         22        of the Supreme Court, the lawyer, and arguing, Well, you

         23        can't do that because the rules say otherwise.  And one of

         24        the judges leans down and he says, The rules don't say

         25        anything except what we say they say.  And we all


          1        recognize that.  And that's what we say about our

          2        Secretary.

          3             Now Commissioner Langley isn't here and I guess he is

          4        out looking for some more natural persons, but he says,

          5        "I've always known that females aren't natural persons."

          6        I think that might have been a direct quote from his

          7        argument, wasn't it, Commissioner Freidin?  I'm sorry he

          8        isn't here to respond, but he certainly brought home the

          9        gender gap very firmly.  I think he was going to impeach

         10        Commissioner Jennings because, you know, she is the

         11        president of an old boys club, he said, and that's not

         12        fair.

         13             COMMISSIONER JENNINGS:  He is used to me.

         14             CHAIRMAN DOUGLASS:  Then we have -- let me see, who's

         15        next here.  Commissioner income tax, Commissioner Barnett

         16        who brings a great deal of knowledge and experience and we

         17        trust will be president of the American Bar Association at

         18        some point.  They would certainly be improved when she is

         19        president.  And we know that from having served with her.

         20        We all recall with great delight the party you gave at

         21        your home.  And I would like to say that she says, "I'm

         22        just building support for my income tax proposal,

         23        Mr. Chair."

         24             She just insists on calling me a chair.  Martha,

         25        thank you.  I know it was a great sacrifice in time for


          1        you and all that pro bono work you are doing and so on.

          2             Next, of course, is Commissioner Kogan and he says,

          3        "And I thought it was rough getting seven people to

          4        agree."  Commissioner Kogan was not hesitant to tell us

          5        what his view of the law was, and that was helpful because

          6        a lot of times when you ask a judge his view of the law he

          7        is like that professor we had who took ten minutes to tell

          8        us he didn't know the answer.  But not Commissioner Kogan.

          9        He came through, as he should have, as a commissioner.

         10        Also, he did a great job in selecting his two appointees

         11        to serve with him.

         12             Then we have Commissioner Mills.  Commissioner Mills

         13        is on the state payroll therefore has a lot more time than

         14        everybody else.  He is a professor, but he is an unusual

         15        professor because he can give you an answer.  We have been

         16        delighted to have him as Chairman of Style and Drafting.

         17             And I don't know how many of you know how much the

         18        Style and Drafting Committee put in in the way of time and

         19        effort, but they just deserve a special round of thanks

         20        from all of us.  And as their chairman, Commissioner

         21        Mills, did a yeoman's job.  And he also chaired the Select

         22        Committee on Article V Costs.  He has been a valuable

         23        member.  And he says, "Style and Drafting will meet

         24        everyday this month, sun up to sundown."  And that was

         25        about right I think, wasn't it, Commissioner Scott?  It


          1        was kind of hard to make those meetings.

          2             Then we have our -- last night, you know,

          3        Commissioner Smith made his greatest speech.  It is

          4        certainly one that Abraham Lincoln would have been proud

          5        of.  He has made many on this floor.  And he says, "I'm

          6        just trying to level the playing field."  Well, when you

          7        debate with Commissioner Smith, it is not level.  It is

          8        tilted in his favor.  I think Commissioner Connor can tell

          9        you that he is pretty good at worming those things around;

         10        isn't he, Commissioner Connor?  We are proud of you,

         11        Commissioner Smith, and we appreciate your service.

         12             And then there is the grandiose eloquence of

         13        simplicity and his statement is, "Why use exiguous words

         14        when grandiloquence will do?"  And that, of course, had

         15        been a very valuable person who was a great resource on

         16        the Article V matters as well as others.  Commissioner

         17        Sundberg.  And thank you, Alan, for your service.

         18             And then Commissioner Argiz, his statement is, "Is

         19        this my seat?"  Commissioner Argiz, because of his many

         20        commitments in court -- you know, you wouldn't think a CPA

         21        would have to be in court all the time, but he was.  A lot

         22        of the time he couldn't be here and he was excused.

         23        Commissioner Argiz, thank you for your participation.

         24             And then there is Commissioner Corr who favored us

         25        with his family.  And all of you that haven't met them,


          1        they are a great group.  And he says, "C-R-C, no, I mean

          2        M-I-C-K-E."  And he has his little things on there, on his

          3        head.  But Commissioner Corr, thank you for your service

          4        and we appreciate it.

          5             Then when we get to Commissioner West, he says, "I'm

          6        so humbled by all the talent in this room."  Commissioner

          7        West, certainly you shouldn't have been because you carry

          8        great talent yourself.  And we are delighted to have had

          9        you as a member with us.

         10             And then there is the dog house kid, Commissioner

         11        Henderson.  He kept saying he was in the dog house, but I

         12        think he was in another house, he just wasn't sure

         13        sometimes.  And he says, "I think that I shall never see a

         14        commission that is as green as thee."  Thank you.

         15             And then, of course, there is that poor,

         16        greasy-hands, overalled or cover-alled fellow that, you

         17        know, has a few little car dealerships and used cars that

         18        he sells, our good friend and great member, Commissioner

         19        Morsani.  Who says, typically, "I'm just an auto

         20        mechanic."  We will all remember that many times.

         21             And then of course Commissioner Riley says, "Double

         22        your fun at the Double Tree."  Well, if you are around

         23        her, you are going to have fun because she is her mother's

         24        daughter, I'll tell you that.  I have known the family.

         25        Her, I guess, great-grandfather was one of the real


          1        pioneers in Okaloosa County.  He developed or started the

          2        development there.  And she has been -- she is a fourth

          3        generation, at least, Floridian.

          4             But one thing that she is that we will all recognize

          5        is she is really devoted to protecting the rights of all

          6        people.  And she has made that very clear with her great

          7        efforts.  Commissioner Riley, we appreciate your service.

          8             And, of course, the next gentleman it says, "Ladies

          9        and gentlemen, I submit to you a motion to reconsider my

         10        motion for reconsideration."  I have to tell you that's

         11        Commissioner Connor, who if we had been on much more

         12        extensive television, he would probably be running second

         13        in the Governor's race by now.  He would certainly be in

         14        it because he was recognized by those that did watch us on

         15        television as one of our most able members.  Thank you,

         16        Commissioner Connor.

         17             And then, of course, Commissioner Rundle, who drifted

         18        in late as usual, missed the party last night, broke the

         19        windshield on the airplane so she didn't have to get here.

         20        I'm teasing you, of course.  But she says, "It is time for

         21        my daily constitutional."  If you don't recognize the

         22        humor in that, I won't tell you.

         23             Commissioner Rundle, taking time out from your very

         24        difficult and important job as state's attorney in Dade

         25        County, we appreciate your service and it certainly


          1        brought us great balance.

          2             And then of course from Dade County as well we have

          3        Commission Brochin who says, "They say playing Mozart in

          4        classrooms raises test scores."  I don't remember him

          5        saying that, but I'll bet he would if we ask him.

          6        Commissioner Brochin, thank you so much.

          7             And then Commissioner Marshall, who says, "Hmm, all

          8        these compliments.  Something is fishy."  I think

          9        Commissioner Marshall made a real effort to be here at a

         10        time when he was ill.  He was a great contributor to our

         11        group.  And he brought many, many years of wisdom from

         12        serving the State and serving public education and also

         13        serving in the capacity as the head of the James Madison

         14        Institute, a very important, nonprofit group in Florida.

         15        Commissioner Marshall, thank you very much for your

         16        service.

         17             And then there is -- has to be my favorite

         18        commissioner, I don't really want to slight anybody.  But

         19        every time I thought something was sort of going away,

         20        when she got up, all of a sudden it became a very close

         21        vote.  She was a great contributor, she doesn't have one

         22        ounce of partisanship in her at all.  She was trying to do

         23        what she thought we all recognized for the best of the

         24        state.  Whether you agreed with her or not, you have to

         25        accept her depth of sincerity and background.


          1             Commissioner Evans-Jones, who served on the Rules

          2        Committee as well, and everywhere else she was asked,

          3        thank you so much.

          4             And then Commissioner Alfonso, who was probably one

          5        of the most productive members who really supported the

          6        commission and did many things for us.  But one thing, of

          7        course, he says here, "Has anyone seen the movie

          8        'Groundhog Day?'"  Well, I didn't know what that meant.

          9        And they told me that meant it is the same thing everyday

         10        when you get up over and over again.  But that was sort of

         11        a statement that somebody might have made about some of

         12        our sessions.  Thank you, Carlos, for being with us and

         13        doing your great job.

         14             Then we get to, in the back -- I'm going to save you

         15        until last, Madam Secretary.  And then they have me there.

         16        I say, "I'll refrain from debating from the chair, but."

         17        Well, I never did that.  I deny that, even if it is on the

         18        record.

         19             And then Alternate Logan, who isn't here, she says,

         20        "Next time I'll get to vote."  But she won't if she

         21        doesn't show up.

         22             Then Carlos, Commissioner Carlos Planas says, "Can

         23        you buy a house in Miami for under a million dollars?"

         24        And that may be true.  None of us could dispute that up

         25        here.  Carlos, you brought meaning to the word of how you


          1        can, with great effect and great reason, represent an

          2        ethnic group without representing the ethnic group to the

          3        detriment of the rest of the group.  And we were proud to

          4        have you as a member of this commission.

          5             And then, Commissioner Mathis -- this is my favorite

          6        of all of these.  She says, "Okay, who has got my shoes?"

          7        We were laughing about that.  And her husband says, The

          8        only time that she wears shoes is when she is pregnant.

          9        We all know that she was a great contributor to our group

         10        and was not at all afraid to get up and express her point

         11        of view to us and was very influential in our work.

         12             And then there is Commissioner Butterworth who says,

         13        "Who appointed me to this?"  Well, Chesterfield Smith and

         14        Barkdull and that group did it in 1968, that's who did it.

         15        And you, sir, you weren't quite as active as Commissioner

         16        Shevin, but he lost the next election, if you recall.  We

         17        trust that will not happen to you, Commissioner

         18        Butterworth.  And we appreciate the sacrifices that you

         19        made.  And while he was doing this, he settled the tobacco

         20        case.  And at least he is still trying to settle the

         21        attorneys' fees.  You keep up the good work, Commissioner

         22        Butterworth.

         23             My next one is my old friend, long-time friend, back

         24        to college days, he was way ahead of me in college.  He

         25        was, you know, a lot older than I am.  But it is -- and I


          1        love his picture, if you will look at his collar there,

          2        that's where I got the bulldog.  I never realized that's

          3        what he was until they put that collar on him.  And he

          4        says, "This is not how we did it 20 years ago."

          5             And in the cartoon in '78, it says, "This is not how

          6        we did it in '68."  So Commissioner Barkdull is at least

          7        consistent in his views.

          8             The next gentleman says, "They should have moved the

          9        capitol to Orlando."  Well, he doesn't really think so

         10        because he loves to come up here.  And we are delighted to

         11        have him up here.  Of all the people that, Commissioner

         12        Jennings, that you appointed, Commissioner Lowndes has to

         13        be the one that put in the most hours because he put in

         14        the most hours of just about anybody that was appointed.

         15        He worked so very hard on Style and Drafting, and still

         16        is.  And we just appreciate Commissioner Lowndes being

         17        with us and thank you so much.

         18             And then there is Commissioner Ford-Coates who says,

         19        "I am not a lawyer."  Now, none of us believe that.  She

         20        says that for political reasons because she is a candidate

         21        for reelection and she doesn't want anybody to know that

         22        she really is a lawyer.  If you served on any committees

         23        with her, she kept up with what was going on better than a

         24        lot of the lawyers.

         25             And if you don't believe she can give you the entire


          1        debate that occurred in Style and Drafting, she has got

          2        it.  And it is on her little computer.  So she has been

          3        one of the hardest working members.  She hasn't missed a

          4        minute that I know of.  And she has a husband who has been

          5        with her who doesn't tell her what to do, we know, because

          6        none of us have been able to tell her what to do.  So

          7        thank you very much, Commissioner Ford-Coates.

          8             And Commissioner Leesfield is not with us.  And he

          9        says he has floor privileges.  And he is using them today.

         10             And Commissioner Sullivan says, "I'm really sorry,

         11        but I have to Outback, er, back out."

         12             And finally, but not the least, is our wonderful

         13        Secretary Faye Blanton and she says, "Mr. Chairman, you

         14        can't do that."  She said that many times and I never

         15        listened.

         16             (Off-the-record comment.)

         17             CHAIRMAN DOUGLASS:  What I said, The heck I can't, we

         18        just did it and then we went back and corrected it.  All

         19        right.

         20             Now, let's move to the order of business and I would

         21        like to recognize on the reports of committees at this

         22        time.  Commissioner Mills, for a report of the Committee

         23        on Style and Drafting.  Commissioner Wetherington?

         24             COMMISSIONER WETHERINGTON:  Point of personal

         25        privilege.


          1             CHAIRMAN DOUGLASS:  We are going to have a time when

          2        everybody gets to speak.

          3             COMMISSIONER WETHERINGTON:  I know that, this is

          4        something else.

          5             CHAIRMAN DOUGLASS:  Okay.  You are recognized,

          6        Commissioner Wetherington.

          7             COMMISSIONER WETHERINGTON:  I want to say on behalf

          8        of my fellow commissioners and myself what a wonderful job

          9        you've done and we all want to be just like you.  So we

         10        are going to now -- we want to demonstrate our loyalty to

         11        you at this time.

         12             (Laughter.)

         13             CHAIRMAN DOUGLASS:  All right.  Commissioner Scott,

         14        you stand up too.  Thank you, Commissioner Wetherington.

         15        I would say it is paper thin, but that would be an

         16        improper comment.  You certainly have been loyal to your

         17        work and I appreciate it and you've made my job turn out

         18        to be a very good one and be recognized better than I am.

         19        Thank you, Commissioner Wetherington.

         20             Now, Commissioner Mills, for a report of the

         21        Committee on Style and Drafting.

         22             COMMISSIONER MILLS:  Mr. Chairman, pursuant to the

         23        direction of the commission, Style and Drafting reviewed

         24        the proposals for any technical changes, there have been

         25        some made, those were forwarded.  There are no substantive


          1        changes.  And it is my understanding there are no motions

          2        or amendments on the desk.  And therefore, I would move

          3        you, sir, that the Commissioners proceed to sign the

          4        letter transmitting our recommendation for the revisions

          5        to the Secretary of State.

          6             CHAIRMAN DOUGLASS:  All right.  If there's no

          7        objection, we'll all proceed to vote.  Unlock the machines

          8        and let's vote.

          9             (Vote taken and recorded electronically.)

         10             CHAIRMAN DOUGLASS:  All right.  Has everybody voted?

         11        Well, one is absent, but somebody hasn't voted.  The Chair

         12        voted.

         13             Nabors.  Well, I'll tell you, we'll just let him

         14        correct the vote.  Lock the machine and announce the vote.

         15             SECRETARY BLANTON:  36 yeas, no nays, Mr. Chairman.

         16             CHAIRMAN DOUGLASS:  All right.  So we have adopted

         17        the revisions that we have previously voted for.

         18             Now, as our final act of the commission, though we'll

         19        have some other things afterwards, which we are going to

         20        take an official picture in here, we are also going to

         21        have an opportunity for everybody to speak.  But as our

         22        final official act, I would like each member to come

         23        forward as called and sign the forwarding letter to the

         24        Secretary of State.  A copy of the letter is on your desk

         25        and I'd like to make a brief statement about the language


          1        in the letter that was done by staff and with Style and

          2        Drafting Committee's understanding.

          3             The signing of the letter does not mean that the

          4        individual commissioner thereby approves or endorses any

          5        proposed amendments.  This is an act of certification to

          6        the Secretary of State.

          7             Now, what we will do is, start with the first row and

          8        ask -- is the table set up for it to be signed?  It is up

          9        front.  Those of you that have trouble signing your name

         10        mark an X, put a curly Q on it if you're a lawyer to

         11        indicate you're a lawyer.  Commissioner Anthony, would you

         12        lead off, please.  Followed by Commissioner Zack, if you

         13        would come up.

         14             COMMISSIONER ANTHONY:  Kelvin, is it okay to sign?

         15             CHAIRMAN DOUGLASS:  Kelvin says it is okay.

         16             (Laughter.)

         17             CHAIRMAN DOUGLASS:  Commissioner Hawkes, you will

         18        follow Commissioner Zack.  Commissioner Scott, you will

         19        follow Commissioner Hawkes.  And Commissioner Thompson,

         20        you will follow Commissioner Scott.

         21             Commissioner Jennings, you can come in behind

         22        Commissioner Thompson followed by Commissioner Freidin,

         23        Barton, Nabors, and Evans.  Commissioner Nabors, do you

         24        move to have your vote recorded?

         25             COMMISSIONER NABORS:  Yes, I did.


          1             CHAIRMAN DOUGLASS:  Without objection, Commissioner

          2        Nabors has recorded his voting aye on the last motion.

          3             All right.  Commissioner Crenshaw, would you lead off

          4        the next row, please?  Followed by Commissioner

          5        Wetherington, Commissioner Barnett and Commissioner Kogan.

          6        Commissioner Mills, you can lead off your row behind

          7        Commissioner Kogan, followed by Commissioner Smith,

          8        Sundberg, Argiz and Corr.  Anybody that wants to get a

          9        picture of an individual person signing, you are perfectly

         10        welcome to come up and do it.

         11             CHAIRMAN DOUGLASS:  Commissioner West, you'll lead

         12        your row off and you will follow Commissioner Corr.

         13        Commissioner West will be followed by Commissioner

         14        Henderson who will be followed by Commissioner Morsani,

         15        Riley and Connor.

         16             Commissioner Rundle, you will follow Commissioner

         17        Connor.  Commissioner Brochin, Commissioner Marshall,

         18        Commissioner Evans-Jones.  Commissioner Alfonso will

         19        follow Commissioner Evans-Jones.  Incidentally, while

         20        we're doing this, I'd like to remind you that we are being

         21        hosed at a luncheon at the president's box at FSU by

         22        former chairman of the commission, D'Alemberte, and all of

         23        the commissioners and their wives or families are invited

         24        and there will be transportation from here for those that

         25        need it.  And that we will go after we adjourn here.  We


          1        will proceed out to the stadium where we will have the

          2        luncheon in the president's box.

          3             The next and last row, I believe, is Commissioner

          4        Planas followed by Commissioner Mathis and Commissioner

          5        Butterworth.  Following Commissioner Butterworth will be

          6        Commissioner Barkdull, Lowndes and Ford-Coates.

          7             All right.  If you will come to order.  As soon as

          8        Commissioner Ford-Coates -- she has got a long name.  If

          9        you will come to order, please.  If everybody could take

         10        their seats.

         11             All right.  Many commissioners have expressed an

         12        interest in establishing an organized campaign to educate

         13        our citizens on the proposed amendments prior to the

         14        November election.  Of course, I think that's one of our

         15        duties that has been established by precedent.  In many

         16        ways our work with the commission concludes today, in

         17        other ways, it is just beginning.  From now until the

         18        November 3rd election, the Commission is charged with

         19        educating the citizens of Florida about the nine proposed

         20        amendments that will appear on the ballot.

         21             There is an outline of strategy for educating

         22        citizens on the amendments and I urge you to read the

         23        outline carefully and contribute to this campaign as

         24        freely as possible.  This effort will be an ongoing

         25        process.  If you have ideas or suggestions how we can


          1        better get the word out about the amendments, call staff

          2        members who will still be here manning the office.

          3             Commissioners can most contribute to the cause by

          4        speaking to groups in the areas of the state where you are

          5        as frequently as possible.  Without any coordination, just

          6        go and do it when you get invited to civic clubs or other

          7        clubs or make offhand pieces in the newspaper or whatever.

          8             We have organized a Speakers' Bureau that you can

          9        read about in the outline you've been furnished.  And to

         10        help implement this program, I am appointing a committee,

         11        although we are operating as a committee as a whole in

         12        this regard, we are going to have a steering committee or

         13        a public information committee as a special committee to

         14        coordinate this and meet to make sure that what we are

         15        doing is correctly done and that we are following what

         16        programs we should in this regard.

         17             They can use this draft document as a starting point

         18        for their work, and the committee will include, as

         19        chairman, Commissioner Mills.  Commissioner Alfonso will

         20        be on the committee, Commissioner Barkdull, Commissioner

         21        H.T. Smith, Commissioner Kogan, Commissioner Freidin.

         22             Anybody else that wants to serve, let us know, we

         23        will be delighted to have everybody involved in this

         24        effort.

         25             This committee will meet at the call of the chairman.


          1        And the vice chairman of that committee will be

          2        Commissioner Lowndes.  So we have certainly three people

          3        who served on Style and Drafting that are most familiar

          4        with the exact language of this and we have others that

          5        can bring a very good overview to our efforts.  I

          6        appreciate each of you agreeing to serve.

          7             After we complete this next segment of our program, I

          8        don't know, I think we might -- well, let's go ahead and

          9        complete this.  Before I make final remarks, of my own, I

         10        would like to recognize any Commissioners who wish to make

         11        final comments for the record on this last meeting of our

         12        historic 20-year effort.

         13             I will recognize any commissioner who wishes to rise

         14        to make any comments about our service.  Does anybody want

         15        to be heard?  Commissioner Sundberg.

         16             COMMISSIONER SUNDBERG:  Mr. Chairman, I would like to

         17        do each of those things if I may.  I would like to place

         18        in the record a statement of intent by myself and by

         19        Commissioner Mills who served as chairman of the Select

         20        Committee for Article V Costs.  This statement has been

         21        agreed to by all the constituent parts of the judiciary

         22        who were involved and the state's attorneys.  And so if I

         23        may -- if you will indulge us that, I will offer it to the

         24        Secretary to be placed in the record.

         25             CHAIRMAN DOUGLASS:  All right.  Without objection,


          1        the statement offered by Commissioner Sundberg and Mills

          2        will be placed on the record.

          3             COMMISSIONER SUNDBERG:  And then as a matter of

          4        personal privilege, I have had the great good opportunity

          5        in my lifetime to serve on many groups such as this and I

          6        would simply like to say that the quality of debate, the

          7        goodwill and the collegiality that has been contained in

          8        this group is as high as any I've ever served.  I am

          9        extremely proud to have been a part of this process and to

         10        have served with each one of you in putting this product

         11        forward.  Thank you, Mr. Chairman.

         12             CHAIRMAN DOUGLASS:  Thank you, Commissioner Sundberg.

         13        Does anybody else -- Commissioner Ford-Coates.

         14             COMMISSIONER FORD-COATES:  Mr. Chairman, as a point

         15        of personal privilege, I would like to introduce a couple

         16        of people that have made my service on this commission

         17        possible.  I know many of you are amazed to find out that

         18        there is a Democrat elected in Sarasota County and I have

         19        three people here today who are the real reason why that

         20        situation exists for me as tax collector.

         21             My staff has done an incredible job of holding down

         22        the fort while I've been gone, have been willing to come

         23        in with me on weekends, work evenings so that I could get

         24        the job done there and the job done here.  I'd like to ask

         25        them to stand in the gallery.


          1             My administrative assistant couldn't come today

          2        because of a family problem, Sharron Alden, but I have

          3        with me Colleen Coleman who is director of our general

          4        services.  Colleen takes care of everyone on my staff to

          5        make sure they have all the things they need to serve the

          6        customer.  And so often during the process when I was

          7        exhausted packing again to go to Tallahassee, Colleen

          8        would remind me of the importance of the process and what

          9        we were all here for.

         10             Next to her is Diana Acorn, next to Diana is Liz

         11        Clabor.  Diana and Liz are my chief deputies.  They are

         12        the ones that manage the day-to-day operations and see to

         13        it that we do a good job.  They know how I think and what

         14        I need and I really would like to give them my personal

         15        thanks.

         16             (Applause.)

         17             And finally, Mr. Chairman, I would like to give

         18        public recognition to the unpaid staff member who has

         19        attended every session of the Commission, who is my

         20        chauffeur, my critic -- and he does try to tell me what to

         21        do, it doesn't seem to work but he does try -- my friend

         22        and my husband, Brian Ford-Coates.

         23             (Applause.)

         24             CHAIRMAN DOUGLASS:  Okay.  Commissioner, is it

         25        mechanic, grease monkey, or Commissioner Morsani?  You are


          1        certainly recognized.

          2             COMMISSIONER MORSANI:  Thank you.  Actually, I think

          3        I want to echo what Mr. Alan said about the collegiality

          4        of this group.  I have been privileged for, or I was

          5        privileged for some 20 years, to have been the periphery

          6        of public policy in Washington and had many, many, many,

          7        many, many meetings, various industry groups, political

          8        powers of Washington, both on a national basis, on an

          9        international basis and been in an awful lot of these kind

         10        of sessions but never with the magnitude of the group of

         11        people that I think that we have enjoyed for the past 11

         12        months.

         13             And I want to go on the record saying that I think

         14        that we can all be proud of the association we have as

         15        human beings and that really it has been in the interest

         16        of the citizens of Florida that we have worked and I think

         17        all of you, you should take your hats off to yourselves.

         18        I think, Mr. Chairman, that the state and the people that

         19        appointed this group can be proud of the product and proud

         20        of the individuals in this room and I thank you for being

         21        able to be associated with you very much.  Thank you.

         22             CHAIRMAN DOUGLASS:  Thank you, Commissioner Morsani.

         23        Commissioner Barkdull.

         24             COMMISSIONER BARKDULL:  Mr. Chairman and members of

         25        the commission, I want to thank each of you for becoming a


          1        part of my extended constitutional revision family which

          2        now reaches 108.  You will find as the years go by that

          3        you appreciate the relationship more than you do today.

          4        And I want to thank all of you for the courtesies that

          5        were extended to me during this service and wish you good

          6        luck.

          7             CHAIRMAN DOUGLASS:  Thank you, Commissioner Barkdull.

          8        Anybody else?  Commissioner Henderson.

          9             COMMISSIONER HENDERSON:  Mr. Chairman, thank you.

         10        Like Commissioner Sundberg, I previously submitted notes

         11        regarding Revision 1, the environmental measure, and would

         12        like that to be a part of the record in terms of our --

         13        the drafter's notes and putting that together.

         14             CHAIRMAN DOUGLASS:  Without objection.

         15             COMMISSIONER HENDERSON:  With regard to the -- this

         16        is -- I spent, like most of you, I've spent the last month

         17        getting reacquainted with my family and my staff and my

         18        work.  And the tough part of that, going home people have

         19        said, Where have you been the last six months?  And I have

         20        been with this staff and I want to tell you how much I

         21        appreciate the service.

         22             I also want to share a story with you because

         23        sometimes you learn a little something when you talk to

         24        the kids.  I know that it was a highlight for my son to be

         25        here last time and he was very disappointed that he


          1        couldn't come up here today.  But, you know, they didn't

          2        give him an excused absence when he was here last time and

          3        so he couldn't get another unexcused absence for coming

          4        here so he couldn't be here today.

          5             But during the break at the last session, we went

          6        over to the Old Capitol and I went to the old Senate

          7        chambers and there's a section in there that has the

          8        Constitutions, all the Constitutions that have been

          9        previously adopted, laid out there on the display.  And I

         10        showed him where my great, great grandfather, Alexander

         11        Bell, signed the Constitution of 1865.  And I said, you

         12        know, what's important about this, as you notice to do

         13        that, he was swimming against the grain, he was running

         14        against the grain.  He probably didn't fight for the

         15        confederacy to be a part of that constitutional

         16        convention.  And I said what I have learned from there is

         17        that the important thing is to be on the right side of

         18        history.

         19             And, you know, they did two things in 1865, not bad,

         20        they abolished slavery and voted to rejoin the union,

         21        those were pretty important things.  This has been an

         22        extraordinary time and I think that we are on the right

         23        side of history.

         24             And there are things, there are some of these things

         25        I didn't vote for.  But I'm going to tell you that I am


          1        going to spend all of my waking hours between now and

          2        November 3rd, if that's when it is, we have to get that

          3        clear in our mind, working to pass every one of these

          4        constitutional amendments, every waking hour.

          5             And I hope to see all of you, some of you, all of you

          6        out there with us on the campaign trail.  We have done a

          7        wonderful thing.  We have done an extraordinary thing, and

          8        now we have to let 14 million Floridians in on this

          9        wonderful vision that we have given them for how Florida

         10        will venture into the 21st century.

         11             CHAIRMAN DOUGLASS:  Thank you, Commissioner

         12        Henderson.  Commissioner Riley.

         13             COMMISSIONER RILEY:  Mr. Chairman, I'd like to thank

         14        you first of all.  I'm sure there is not one in our group

         15        that wouldn't like to have strangled you at some point or

         16        the other, perhaps some more than once.  However, you have

         17        truly steered us out of harmful waters many times and I

         18        think we owe you a debt of gratitude.

         19             I am honored to have been a part of this group.  It

         20        is, as the others have said, the most political

         21        nonpartisan group.  All of us are political, but we have

         22        put those aside and looked at the needs of the state of

         23        Florida and its citizens.  And as I said to a group I was

         24        speaking to recently, You didn't elect me.  But there

         25        wasn't one thing that I voted on that I didn't have you in


          1        mind.  Of course I can now never get elected in the

          2        Panhandle, but that's all right, I couldn't have gotten

          3        elected before probably.  But it has been an honor to be a

          4        piece of history.

          5             And like Commissioner Henderson, I am very proud of

          6        what we have come out with.  Some I would stand behind a

          7        little more than others but there is nothing in here that

          8        I don't look forward to voting for on the ballot in

          9        November and intend to work very hard to make sure that

         10        the other people of Florida understand that there is

         11        nothing on here that's harmful.

         12             There are some excellent changes in here for the

         13        state and for the citizens.  And I sincerely hope that on

         14        the date that we all vote, we can celebrate the passage of

         15        all of them.

         16             CHAIRMAN DOUGLASS:  Thank you, Commissioner Riley.

         17        Anyone else?  Commissioner Smith.

         18             COMMISSIONER SMITH:  Thank you, Mr. Chairman.  Let me

         19        also take this opportunity to thank you for your

         20        leadership and thank all of my colleagues for enriching my

         21        life with your life's experiences, with your stories, with

         22        your pain, with your vision of Florida and with your

         23        efforts to try to be on the right side of history on a

         24        very wide range of important issues.

         25             Probably for Bobby Brochin and I the single most


          1        powerful evidence of our trying to do what is right and

          2        not do what appointing authorities want or what political

          3        parties want or what other groups want, almost every

          4        important issue that came up for debate Bobby Brochin and

          5        I turned and looked at each other and said, You just never

          6        know.  Because somebody voted totally opposite of what we

          7        thought because of what the issue was.  Almost every issue

          8        we did that.  Because we really had a group of independent

          9        thinkers who were truly trying to do what is right.

         10             In preparation for my service on this body that meets

         11        once every 20 years, I asked our executive director to get

         12        me all the Constitutions and I read all the Constitutions.

         13        But then I went back and I read the Declaration of

         14        Independence, probably one of the greatest documents in

         15        the history of the world.  And of all the things in the

         16        Declaration of Independence, one of the things -- I don't

         17        know how I missed this before and probably you have seen

         18        it -- that caught my fancy as I was serving, was the last

         19        line.  Think about this now, this is the aristocracy of

         20        the day, the most powerful people of the day, the richest

         21        people of the day, who were about to do something if they

         22        were wrong would wind up on the guillotine.  And they

         23        ended by saying, We mutually pledge to each other our

         24        lives, our fortunes, and our sacred honor.

         25             Fortunately for us in our time we didn't have to


          1        pledge our lives because we were not at war nor were we

          2        anticipating war.  And a few of us have to apologize for

          3        not having riches to pledge.  Some of us are not good auto

          4        mechanics.  But I think by our service, by our

          5        collegiality, by our ability to respect the diverse

          6        opinions, by our ability to understand that you really

          7        don't have to get unanimity, but just solidarity to move

          8        forward on important issues and by our committed service

          9        that we have in fact to each other and to the people of

         10        the state of Florida, we have pledged our sacred honor.

         11             And so that's why I feel good about the proposals

         12        that are going forward.  I don't know what's going to

         13        happen.  But I know that the process was a good process, a

         14        fair process, a committed process.  And I know that each

         15        of you, the way you treated me, the way you treated each

         16        other, pledged your sacred honor.  And I think there can

         17        be no greater commitment to a process like this than your

         18        sacred honor.  Thank you.

         19             CHAIRMAN DOUGLASS:  Thank you.  Commissioner Evans.

         20             COMMISSIONER EVANS:  I just want to thank all of you

         21        for welcoming my ten-year-old daughter.  I know that there

         22        are many places in our society where children aren't

         23        particularly welcomed by adults.  And I think that it is

         24        an incredible learning experience to have a child be able

         25        to learn from adults, to be immersed into the adult


          1        community and learn all of these lessons.

          2             As Paul West would say, it is a room filled with

          3        incredible talent.  And to have you to be her teachers for

          4        this year has been a blessing to us.  Thank you.

          5             CHAIRMAN DOUGLASS:  Thank you, Commissioner Evans.

          6        Commission Planas.

          7             COMMISSIONER PLANAS:  Thirty-eight years ago, my

          8        family brought me to this great country.  We were escaping

          9        a Communist regime.  It is a great pleasure to serve with

         10        you all.  To Senate President Tony Jennings, what a great

         11        confidence you had in me.  Thank you very much for this

         12        honor you gave me.  And thank you very much for everybody

         13        here to give me this honor to serve with you guys, ladies

         14        and gentlemen.

         15             And I hope that one day I will be able to invite you

         16        to write the new Constitution of a free Cuba.  Thanks a

         17        lot.

         18             CHAIRMAN DOUGLASS:  Thank you, Commissioner Planas.

         19        Commissioner Anthony.

         20             COMMISSIONER ANTHONY:  Thank you, very much,

         21        Mr. Chair.  I too want to stand and thank you-all for your

         22        service, but also thank you for listening sometimes to the

         23        passion and compassion of many of us who really had real

         24        commitment to certain issues, but were available to listen

         25        to others in terms of their perspective.


          1             You know, I think that many of us have such -- or

          2        many citizens in Florida have such a negative view of

          3        public officials, public servants.  And I think that many

          4        of you who when you first came to this process, you

          5        oftentimes said, You know, politics is bad.  Public policy

          6        is bad.  But as you served, and I heard the change in

          7        terms of the decisions that you had to make on behalf of

          8        people of this state, and you started realizing how

          9        balancing the needs of this state with your own personal

         10        opinion sort of changed many of us through this process.

         11             As an elected official in the state, let me tell you

         12        I am so proud to serve with many of you because you have

         13        done an outstanding job of making Florida citizens proud

         14        of the public process and the public policy process.

         15             There is no greater impact that you can have on this

         16        state than the service of being a public official.  And I

         17        mean that with all my heart.  I love it and I know that I

         18        do make a difference in this state and what you have done

         19        has made a difference.  But many times we don't get thank

         20        yous for the people and the things that we do as public

         21        sector servants.

         22             So I want to thank you on behalf of the little girls

         23        and boys back home that you stood up and fought for.  I

         24        want to thank you on behalf of business people who were

         25        concerned about things that we were doing.  I want to


          1        thank you on behalf of the elderly because you tried to

          2        protect the future that they have left in this state.  I

          3        want to thank you on behalf of the minorities in this

          4        state that really sometimes were concerned that they did

          5        not have a voice or enough voice in this process.

          6             And I want to thank you on behalf of my family who

          7        says, Don't send him home yet.  Keep him busy.  But truly,

          8        God has blessed me to be able to get to know each and

          9        every one of you and to make sure that people of this

         10        state realize that being a public servant is one of the

         11        most valuable experiences that one can have.  And you have

         12        had that experience and I personally thank you for it.

         13             CHAIRMAN DOUGLASS:  Thank you, Commissioner Anthony.

         14        Commissioner Mathis.

         15             COMMISSIONER MATHIS:  My granddaddy sent me here to

         16        get his 40 acres and a mule.

         17             (Laughter.)

         18             COMMISSIONER MATHIS:  We didn't necessarily address

         19        those issues, but I want to thank you for being a part.

         20        Each of you individually have enriched my life.

         21             But I also want to share with you how sometimes we

         22        don't realize how we impact other people.  When I was a

         23        law student at FSU, my wonderful husband and I -- I thank

         24        my husband too for being here -- my wonderful husband and

         25        I had to put me through law school.  It was something that


          1        I had dreamed about since I was three years old.

          2             And the opportunity just hadn't presented itself.

          3        After working three jobs to get through undergraduate

          4        school, it is kind of difficult to go right to law school.

          5        And we were able to come up with my tuition at FSU for the

          6        first semester, but we didn't know where the money was

          7        coming from for the second.  And I got through the first

          8        week of classes on that second semester still not knowing

          9        how we were going to pay my tuition, knowing that I may

         10        have to leave school on Friday.

         11             And I got a scholarship that I didn't apply for.  It

         12        was the James Harold Thompson Scholarship.  And James

         13        Harold Thompson had been the Speaker of the House at that

         14        time and had put in place at FSU College of Law five

         15        $1,000 scholarships.  And James Harold Thompson maybe

         16        didn't recognize what he was doing then and maybe would

         17        have done it differently had he known who was getting that

         18        scholarship at that time.

         19             (Laughter.)

         20             CHAIRMAN DOUGLASS:  It was the other four.

         21             COMMISSIONER MATHIS:  But, you know, I never had a

         22        problem paying my tuition after that.  That was a key

         23        turning point in a life.  And to then have the opportunity

         24        to serve with Commissioner Thompson here on this

         25        commission, it just seems like life is good.


          1             And what we do for people, we may never know the

          2        ramifications of some of what we have done, but I know

          3        that each of you, along with me, have struggled to do what

          4        we think is right and what we think is best for

          5        Floridians.  And I appreciate being a part of that process

          6        and I admire each of you being given the opportunity to be

          7        a part of that process.

          8             But I don't think it ends here.  I think it now goes

          9        out to the individual people of Florida who will vote in

         10        the November election, for us to educate them as we have

         11        educated ourselves on these key issues.  And I pledge my

         12        support and would encourage each of you to pledge your

         13        support in educating the people of Florida and encouraging

         14        them to make substantive decisions on these proposals and

         15        not a knee-jerk no reaction.

         16             And so I thank you and I have enjoyed it.  And I will

         17        have to buy 40 acres of land for my granddaddy.

         18             CHAIRMAN DOUGLASS:  All right.  Thank you very much,

         19        Commissioner Mathis.  Commissioner Alfonso.

         20             COMMISSIONER ALFONSO:  Very quickly.  I think it

         21        happened last night but I'm out of the movie.  And it is a

         22        new day today.  And it is different.  And I'm just glad to

         23        be moving forward and it has been a great honor.

         24             And I wanted to take the time personally to thank the

         25        staff again; Billy for his organizational skills and


          1        especially Debby Kearney for her great help on the

          2        Committee on the Executive because she really played a big

          3        part in the work of that committee.  And Chris and Debbie

          4        for their work on Style and Drafting.  So I really want to

          5        make a special point to thank them.

          6             And thank all of you.  It has been an honor.

          7             CHAIRMAN DOUGLASS:  Thank you.  Commissioner Mills.

          8             COMMISSIONER MILLS:  Mr. Chairman, I want to testify

          9        again that probably all of us did want to strangle you at

         10        one time or another but we're glad we didn't.  I thank you

         11        for your leadership and your strength and your wisdom.

         12             Staff compiled a few things, while we love to hear

         13        each other debate that there were a few things that they

         14        didn't want to hear anymore and that probably we don't

         15        want to hear anymore.  The camel's nose is under the tent;

         16        I am not a lawyer, but; the Legislature can do this; the

         17        Legislature can't do this; I am here to level the playing

         18        field; does this really belong in the Constitution; and of

         19        course those tried and true statements, last time we did

         20        it this way; and last time we didn't do it this way.

         21             But as a matter of service in a collegial body, which

         22        I had the opportunity to do for ten years, and I respected

         23        that body and still do, the ability to serve in a group

         24        like this that operated on principle and values and on

         25        history is a unique opportunity.  Those of us, when we're


          1        elected, are judged by the electorate.

          2             Those of us who have had an opportunity to serve in

          3        this body will be judged by history.  And the people that

          4        are judging us are in elementary school and are in diapers

          5        and cradles and helped us say the pledge of allegiance

          6        today.  And that's quite an opportunity.  And as a couple

          7        of people have said, we have done a pretty good job up

          8        until now.  And now is the time to continue that march.

          9             We have participated in a lot together.  And we have

         10        argued, we have fought and we have agreed on some things.

         11        And when I talk to people about this group I say, even

         12        though there are some things I don't necessarily agree

         13        with, if 22 people from this group agree that something is

         14        a good idea, it deserves your attention.

         15             And it has been an honor to serve with you.  I think

         16        Caesar going into battle once said, Whether we shall

         17        survive, I know not, whether we meet again, I cannot say.

         18        But if we do, we shall smile, and if not, this parting has

         19        been well made.  So it's been a pleasure meeting all of

         20        you and I look forward to the rest of the battle.  And we

         21        shall smile.  Thank you, Mr. Chairman.

         22             CHAIRMAN DOUGLASS:  Commissioner Scott.

         23             COMMISSIONER SCOTT:  Thank you, Mr. Chairman.  I

         24        really hadn't planned on speaking today, but I am reminded

         25        thinking of this group, it has been a great pleasure


          1        getting to know all of you and serving with and re-serving

          2        with some who we have traveled many miles with.

          3             One of my favorite poems is by G. K. Chesterson about

          4        building.  And I want to make an effort to remember it

          5        here.  I saw them tearing a building down, a gang of men

          6        in an angry town, with a ho heave-ho and a lusty yell,

          7        they swung a beam and a side wall fell.  I asked the

          8        foreman, are these men skilled, the kind you hire if you

          9        want to build?  He laughed and said, why no indeed, just

         10        common labor is all I need.  They can easily wreck in a

         11        day or two what it has taken men years to do.

         12             So I asked myself as I walked away, which of these

         13        roles have I played today?  Am I the builder who works

         14        with care, working hard with my fellow man, carefully

         15        doing the best I can?  Or am I the wrecker who roams the

         16        town, content with the labors of tearing down?

         17             And I think all of us here and all of you really can

         18        be proud of the fact that you are builders, you have tried

         19        to be builders.  We have often disagreed, and the chairman

         20        and I never disagreed on anything.  But we have often

         21        disagreed about how to get there and what's best.  One of

         22        the things that I note, and I want to thank all of you and

         23        especially the ones who may not have served in public

         24        office, was a willingness to listen to some of us who have

         25        and still do.


          1             Your willingness to place confidence in our

          2        representative form of government, leaving to the

          3        Legislature in many instances.  And so I really -- it has

          4        just been a tremendous pleasure.  It was very hard at

          5        times doing all of the roles, including trying to lead

          6        into the Legislative session for me and I'm sure for

          7        President Jennings.  But it has just been a tremendous

          8        experience getting to know you.

          9             And we will see what the people think.  Like

         10        Commissioner Mills, some parts of it I don't totally agree

         11        with, but I think there is a lot of very good things in

         12        here.  And I just wanted to thank you for putting up with

         13        me and all of my continued -- I'm not one that doesn't

         14        say, you know, when I disagree with something.  But it has

         15        just been great.  And I think all of you can be proud that

         16        you have done your part to help continue to build our

         17        state and get it ready for the 21st century.

         18             CHAIRMAN DOUGLASS:  Thank you.  Commissioner

         19        Marshall.

         20             COMMISSIONER MARSHALL:  Mr. Chairman, sometime last

         21        fall, I think along about Daytona Beach, I felt some

         22        concern about the quality of our interactions with some of

         23        the people who came to the hearings.  Those concerns were

         24        accommodated.

         25             And Mr. Chairman, as many other commissioners have


          1        said, the quality of the interactions here have been

          2        cordial and considerate and statesmanlike.  And I'm sure

          3        they have.  I think the major share of the credit for that

          4        goes to you.  I would like to thank you for what I believe

          5        to be an even-handed, fair, considerate, really superior

          6        job of chairing this body.  And I commend and thank you.

          7             CHAIRMAN DOUGLASS:  Thank you very much, Commissioner

          8        Marshall.  That's very deeply appreciated.  Commissioner

          9        Zack.

         10             COMMISSIONER ZACK:  There is a Chinese blessing or a

         11        Chinese curse, I never was quite sure which it was, that

         12        says, May you live in interesting times.  And we most

         13        certainly in this state, in this country live in very

         14        interesting times.

         15             And I believe the important issues of our times,

         16        which were extremely heartfelt by each one of us in this

         17        chamber, were debated properly, sometimes with great

         18        passion, but always with great dignity.  And reflecting on

         19        my experience in this chamber, and looking at our work

         20        product -- and I believe that I probably lost more than I

         21        won, which was probably the right thing, also -- but won a

         22        few along the way.

         23             And looking at the work product, I do really believe

         24        that our collective wisdom was much better than any of our

         25        single thoughts when we came into this chamber.  And I am


          1        indeed proud to have been part of this process.

          2             I remember, Mr. Chairman, when you called me and told

          3        me that I was appointed.  And I asked you who I was going

          4        to serve with.  I knew probably a third of the members

          5        here previously, but there were two thirds that just were

          6        names that were mentioned.  I had no idea who you folks

          7        were.

          8             And you have become friends.  And you have become

          9        people who I will call on time and time again throughout

         10        my life when I have questions of importance.  Because

         11        whether we agreed or not, the way that you came to each

         12        issue, and the discussions that we had about them

         13        enlightened me and made me a better person.  And I thank

         14        each and every one of you for the opportunity to have

         15        served with you.

         16             And I believe that I can speak for each of us who

         17        just voted unanimously to support what we did, that we

         18        believe we have a good work product, that we did our job.

         19        But now, frankly, the next part begins.  And as Clay said

         20        so eloquently, we have got -- as tired as we may be.  And

         21        a lot of us are pretty tired.  And a lot of us have

         22        clients and friends and family that would like to see a

         23        lot more of us.  And we came up here and we said, Well, we

         24        are coming up to the last meeting.  And there were some

         25        people that felt pretty good about that.


          1             But it isn't the last meeting.  We are going to have

          2        lots of meetings between now and the vote with the

          3        citizens of the state of Florida.  And we have got to

          4        trust them and respect their judgment and educate them why

          5        this product is good for our state and for the future of

          6        Florida.

          7             CHAIRMAN DOUGLASS:  Thank you, Commissioner Zack.

          8        Commissioner Evans-Jones.

          9             COMMISSIONER EVANS-JONES:  Thank you, Mr. Chairman.

         10        And I do want to thank you, Mr. Chairman.  You have been a

         11        wonderful chairman and a very interesting man to know.

         12             I also want to thank all of the constituents here.

         13        It has been a wonderful experience for me to serve with

         14        each and every one of you.  And I remember when our

         15        chairman said, you are going to really get to know each

         16        other and it is going to be a very special experience for

         17        you.  And I thought oh, come on, you know.  I am not sure

         18        that's going to be true.

         19             But boy was I wrong.  It has been such a joy to know

         20        you and to admire so many of you who have just contributed

         21        so much to this state.  And I think there are some

         22        politicians and then there are some statesmen.  And I

         23        really see a great many statesmen in here.

         24             And I would love to see some of you really consider

         25        going into higher office and running because you are the


          1        kind of people that we truly need to serve.  We don't need

          2        politicians, they are a dime a dozen.  But we do need

          3        statesmen.  And there are so many of you in here, what a

          4        joy to have known each and every one of you.  What's a

          5        mother to do but to love you.

          6             (Laughter.)

          7             CHAIRMAN DOUGLASS:  Well if your mother doesn't love

          8        you, nobody does.  That's true.  Commissioner Connor.

          9             COMMISSIONER CONNOR:  Mr. Chairman, I'd like to thank

         10        you and the other members of this commission for the

         11        opportunity to have served with you.  It has been a

         12        profoundly enriching experience for me.  You have

         13        certainly sharpened my thinking and on many occasions

         14        pricked my conscience and caused me to reflect deeply

         15        about the things in which I believe.

         16             As I have looked around here, I have looked at people

         17        and thought not only about the proposals that they have

         18        won, but some of those which have been lost as well.

         19        Commissioner Evans-Jones on the legislative

         20        reapportionment reform, Commissioner Zack on tort reform,

         21        Commissioner Barnett on tax reform.  And I couldn't help

         22        but think about a few of those that I lost myself.

         23             And I couldn't help but remember John Adams'

         24        statement when he said that duty is ours, consequences are

         25        God's.  And I believe our success is measured in this body


          1        not necessarily by what we achieve, but by what we

          2        advocated.  And I believe that we leave here with a clear

          3        conscience having articulated those things in which we

          4        believe and we fought for those things that we thought to

          5        be right and true.

          6             The Welsh poet Elthuwin Wetherall [phonetic] wrote a

          7        poem that has become for me somewhat of a credo.  I share

          8        it with you in hopes that you might be encouraged by it.

          9        The poet said this:  My orders are to fight.  Then if I

         10        bleed or fail or strongly win, what matters it?  God only

         11        doth prevail.  The servant craveth naught not except to

         12        serve with might.  I was not told to win or lose, my

         13        orders are to fight.

         14             I honor you and thank you for fighting for those

         15        things which you hold dear and true and I look forward to

         16        carrying the fight with you beyond these walls.  Thank you

         17        and God bless you.

         18             CHAIRMAN DOUGLASS:  Commissioner Connor.  All right.

         19        Commissioner Kogan.

         20             COMMISSIONER KOGAN:  I always felt I had to follow

         21        Commissioner Connor.  Well one thing that I think that all

         22        of us have learned throughout this entire exercise is

         23        exactly how diverse a state and citizenry that we are.

         24        Ideas from one end of the spectrum to the other.  And we

         25        all learned that the strength of this state and the


          1        strength of this country, our great democracy is in that

          2        very same diversity.

          3             There are very few of us in this room that can claim

          4        that our ancestors were here when Columbus landed in the

          5        new world.  We all come from different backgrounds,

          6        different religions, and most certainly, different ideas.

          7        And we all came here and we all decided we were going to

          8        give our ideas.  But yet at the same time, by listening to

          9        what everybody else had to say, I think it makes us all

         10        cognizant of the fact that this is perhaps one of the few

         11        nations in the world where people can have these diverse

         12        ideas, vote on it, lose, and yet be satisfied that they in

         13        fact had a chance to be heard.

         14             Other nations are not so fortunate.  When they lose

         15        something, they go and they get the guns.  And the

         16        revolution or the civil war starts.  That's not our

         17        history.  We have learned that whenever we change power

         18        from one party to another, that that is a peaceful

         19        transition.  And we have learned that we can come and we

         20        debate, we talk about these matters.  And in the long run,

         21        we do what we think is best.  And whether it is on our

         22        side or opposed to us, that's our system.  And it has held

         23        us in good stead for lo these many, many years.

         24             Let's all remember that and carry that with us

         25        throughout our lives in all of our dealings with our


          1        neighbors, with our friends and political situations,

          2        whatever it may be.

          3             And, finally, let me say it has been a great honor

          4        and a great privilege for me to have served with all of

          5        you because I have learned a tremendous amount by just

          6        being here with you.  And my philosophy in life always has

          7        been, when you stop learning, you must be dead.  Because

          8        we learn up to the last second of our life.  And I thank

          9        all of you for helping me in that great learning process.

         10        And I wish you-all Godspeed in the future, whatever you

         11        may do.  Thank you.

         12             CHAIRMAN DOUGLASS:  All right.  I'd like to make my

         13        closing remarks and start off by saying that we set out

         14        deliberately to make sure that we operated as a committee

         15        of the whole.  In effect, that nobody's idea could be shut

         16        out by a chairman or a chairwoman or a chair, that we have

         17        rules that allowed everybody to bring forward their views.

         18             That has not always been the case in bodies like

         19        this.  I felt, and I think the committee that worked on

         20        this agreed, that we should not have a chairman that

         21        operated the same way that you have to operate in the

         22        Legislature with the Speaker of the House or the President

         23        of the Senate.  We would not allow committees to shut off

         24        the consideration of matters, but they would be heard.

         25             I also, based on my experience in the past, felt that


          1        one of the things that would distinguish us from our

          2        predecessor 20 years ago would be to create an

          3        extraordinary vote in order to put something on the

          4        ballot.  I think that was probably one of the wisest

          5        things we did.  And it was universally supported, I think,

          6        at the time.  And it turned out to be probably the most

          7        important thing that we did.

          8             You know, when we looked at this and how it was set

          9        up to begin with, you had almost an even split on

         10        political parties from the affiliations of those involved.

         11        And if we ever put it into a test where it was voted on

         12        political party lines, we would have resolved, I think,

         13        into partisanship that would have resulted in great

         14        detriment to our consideration and work.

         15             Fortunately we had people from both parties who

         16        recognized that and were willing to accept the proposition

         17        that we had to have at least three-fifths of us agree on

         18        something before we reached finality.  And that became, of

         19        course, a very great factor in our work.

         20             But more than that, that one thing along with making

         21        sure that the chairman did not have unfettered power but

         22        had to diffuse it among many, resulted sometimes in

         23        inconvenience, lengthening of sessions and things of that

         24        nature and probably consideration of matters that could

         25        have been cut off and not considered for debate and might


          1        have worked more efficiently.  But it won't have been

          2        appropriate for consideration of the Constitution, in my

          3        opinion.

          4             And I want to thank Commissioner Barkdull and

          5        Commissioner Scott, Commissioner Mills, Commissioner

          6        Evans-Jones and others who worked for the rules that we

          7        did adopt for adopting those rules.

          8             And I think, too, the other difference that that

          9        created, having these things in place, was the guarantee

         10        that we would have to get along with each other.  It

         11        resulted, I think, to some extent in an issue-oriented

         12        debate.  If there was one distinction between our debates

         13        and those of a parliamentary body, whether it be the

         14        House, Senate or any other type, it was the almost total

         15        lack of personal argument, of holding someone up to

         16        ridicule.

         17             And when we did point out somebody's prior

         18        inconsistent positions, it was usually done with humor

         19        rather than with rancor.  There were no mean-spirited

         20        people in this group.  And it made my job much, much

         21        easier.

         22             I might say in response to those who wanted to

         23        strangle me, I wanted to strangle you.

         24             (Laughter.)

         25             And, you know, we withheld that from each other.  I


          1        decided maybe I was a little old to get in a strangling

          2        match.  But there are most of you here I believe I could

          3        have held my own with.  Certainly the ladies I might have.

          4             But in any event, one thing that I also felt was of

          5        great use to us in our deliberations and public hearings

          6        was the good nature of our body.  The use of humor became

          7        a real tool in preserving order, particularly in our

          8        public hearings.  And, you know, I was a little rough

          9        presiding, I'll admit.  When we started out in these

         10        public hearings we were feeling our way, trying to figure

         11        out how to do it.  We finally got it down to where the

         12        last two or three we had were really very well done.

         13             And I think people who came to our public hearings

         14        felt for the most part that they were treated fairly after

         15        we finally figured out how to do it and I learned how to

         16        use that bell thing that I have, which I now have bronzed,

         17        thanks to those who gave it to me.

         18             The other thing that we did that was required, and

         19        I'm not sure that we always thought in these terms, a

         20        constitutional consideration should never be for the

         21        moment.  It is absolutely essential that you change your

         22        thinking from now and this year to 20, 30 years down the

         23        road.

         24             You cannot operate and properly consider and make

         25        significant, good changes in the Constitution in an


          1        atmosphere which is dependent on your return to some sort

          2        of power or your response to somebody's political

          3        pressure.  You have to consider what is best for the

          4        future.

          5             And the only advantage of living a long time is that

          6        you not only have become more aware of history and

          7        probably more respectful of it, is that you recognize in

          8        the overall scheme of things that when you change the

          9        Constitution, next year is not the time that it is felt.

         10        It will be 20 years from now, 15 years from now.  And

         11        therefore it is required that you think in those terms.

         12             If we went back in history you would find, I think

         13        Commissioner Smith probably found this, in 1835 lawyers

         14        were quite in favor; bankers were not.  The Constitution

         15        provided that no banker could hold public office.

         16             So it all -- what goes around, comes around.  And

         17        when you look back and look forward, you see this happen.

         18        And so when you make fun of lawyers, don't worry, we will

         19        still be there because people will still be having

         20        troubles and financial travails.  And religious

         21        institutions will need defense.  The poor and the innocent

         22        will need defense.

         23             And we will still have doctors because people will

         24        still be dying and sick.  We will still have newspapermen

         25        who may work for, more now than they did 20 years ago, for


          1        the concept of sensationalism or the tabloid-type press,

          2        which we had in the '20s.  And it all goes around, it

          3        comes around.  And we have changed our entire process in

          4        the last 20 years and how we look at things.  Television

          5        controls our lives, controls our government, controls our

          6        people.  What we see in the several hundred channels that

          7        are available distracts us from matters of moment.

          8             We concern ourselves with how much money we made this

          9        week, how much the stock market did today, what Chairman

         10        Greenspan did to kill the market today or to raise it

         11        tomorrow, what the independent prosecutor had leaked

         12        today, what the President had leaked tomorrow.  And all of

         13        these things have become distractions for us all, in

         14        whatever party we are in.

         15             But the people who run this country ultimately are

         16        the people.  And if they are informed, the people will

         17        reach the right decision.  And it is now our duty to

         18        inform them of what we are proposing that we revise in our

         19        Constitution.

         20             And I am confident, as I'm sure each of you are, if

         21        we get our message across, that whatever the decision, it

         22        will be the right decision.  And it will be made by the

         23        people and not by some lobbyist group, not by some

         24        financial group, not by somebody that is seeking power,

         25        but the people.  And that is our job is to get that done.


          1             I don't want to sound too critical of our

          2        institutions such as the press because they, within the

          3        framework of their own limitations, do a great job.  The

          4        editors, however, are not the reporters.  And the

          5        columnists are not the ones that cover the day-to-day

          6        activities, but they are the ones that have great

          7        influence on people like us, and they should.  And

          8        therefore I don't want to be said to be in any way

          9        opposing any kind of First Amendment rights of anybody

         10        that is connected with informing us of what's going on.

         11             The other thing that I would like to say in closing

         12        is, you know, when you are in the twilight of a mediocre

         13        career, to be selected to do something like this is -- you

         14        keep wondering if it is an honor or is it an imposition on

         15        others or how in the world did anybody select you?

         16             And, of course, it is pretty clear how I was

         17        selected.  The Governor selected me.  And we go back many

         18        years and I have great respect for him and consider him,

         19        probably within my lifetime, the greatest public official

         20        that we have had.

         21             And I was really honored that he selected me.  And

         22        I'm sure that those of you that were selected by

         23        Commissioner Jennings felt equally honored and by the

         24        Speaker, and of course by the Chief Justice.  And I know

         25        that we did all we could to carry out the confidences


          1        expressed by them by appointing us.

          2             I do want to say that looking ahead is the only way

          3        to go.  Don't -- you have to look back to see that you

          4        don't fall in the same hole.  We will fall in the same

          5        holes.  We will make the same mistakes as we go along

          6        because people do not have a vivid recollection of some of

          7        the things that put us in the hole that we got out of.

          8             Having been raised in the Depression, gone through

          9        World War II, served in the Korean War, which was not a

         10        popular war, very much a precursor to Vietnam, and then

         11        living through the Vietnamese War and all of these various

         12        things, I can tell you there is not a great deal of

         13        difference between our political figures and our heroes.

         14             There is not a great deal of difference in any of us

         15        when we get down to the basic rights of freedom and the

         16        right to live with our families as we see fit.  It has

         17        been our job, and I think we served it well, to protect

         18        those freedoms and rights.

         19             I don't have any poems.  Mine are all on the wall and

         20        I never can remember them, like the Yellow River Code.

         21        The Yellow River Code was something that was made up,

         22        somebody told me, by Senator Wig Barrow that when you

         23        hemmed him up, he always had something from the Yellow

         24        River Code to come back with.

         25             But there are a few things that I do remember from my


          1        upbringing.  Not the least of which was the first thing I

          2        can remember learning about how you set your life was when

          3        I was taught the catechism when I was about four years old

          4        in a Presbyterian Church in those days.  I don't think

          5        they have this anymore, I can't find it anyway.  They had

          6        the child's catechism.  And my mother had me memorize it.

          7        And I think when I was four or five years old I knew it

          8        pretty good.  I probably have forgotten a lot of it.

          9             But the one thing I do remember is how it started

         10        off.  It said, Who made you?  And the answer is God.

         11        Well, he made us all.  He made us black, he made us white,

         12        he made us liars, he made us people who cheat, he made us

         13        with all of the infirmities of life.

         14             But he also made us kind.  He made us, gave us the

         15        ability to love.  He gave us the ability to respect.  And

         16        all of those things go together.

         17             I can say for this group that the last things I said

         18        are the things I carry with me.  If any mean people were

         19        here, I never found them.  Maybe we were all mean once in

         20        a while but that's part of our nature.  But when we got

         21        through, everybody I think in this group voted their

         22        convictions.

         23             And our product -- while it may not be sexy and

         24        include legalizing marijuana, which would get headlines

         25        tomorrow, it may not have been sexy and abolished the


          1        death penalty, which would have gotten a great deal of

          2        condemnation and praise.  But these are issues that would

          3        have put us in the front page.  And we dealt with those,

          4        of course.

          5             And that was the only thing that was ever reported in

          6        some instances were people that would come with these

          7        things, instead of some of the people that came with great

          8        thoughtfulness, that surprised us with their depth of how

          9        they dealt with these issues.  And those aren't things

         10        that attract attention.

         11             But what will attract attention is 20 years from now,

         12        when I'm serving in the next commission, along with

         13        Commissioner Barkdull, that we can look back and say, The

         14        way we did it then was the right way.

         15             And I think I'll close this thing the way I started

         16        it by trying to quote, I believe it was Benjamin Franklin

         17        when they finished the Constitution in 1789 when he --

         18        somebody said to him, there was a picture behind the wall

         19        with the rising sun or a sun in the picture.  And he said,

         20        Well, I certainly hope it is rising and not setting.  And

         21        I think that we leave our job with the same hope and with

         22        the pretty certain knowledge that it is, in fact, rising

         23        because of our work.

         24             And to all of you that are here, thank you for

         25        allowing me to be your chairman and to in my sometimes


          1        very inept and meat-ax ways of getting things on the road,

          2        thank you.  And God bless all of you.

          3             And now I'll give you some announcements that will

          4        break this a little bit.  We are going to take our

          5        pictures when we finish here before we adjourn.  And then

          6        we will adjourn after we take the pictures.

          7             First of all, I was told by somebody that I didn't

          8        announce that John Lowndes was on the committee.  But I

          9        thought I announced that he was not only on the committee,

         10        he is the vice chairman of the committee; did I not?  See,

         11        I told them.  They don't ever listen to me down here.

         12        They always tell me to put it in the record.  So, John,

         13        you are in the record several times as being on this

         14        committee.

         15             COMMISSIONER LOWNDES:  Thank you.

         16             CHAIRMAN DOUGLASS:  I'm going to sign the letter and

         17        then we are going to ask everybody to do three -- we are

         18        going to do three pictures.  We are going to do one

         19        picture with just the commission and the staff director

         20        and the general counsel; is that right?  We are going to

         21        do one picture then with the commission and the Senate

         22        staff, which will include the Secretary.  And then we are

         23        going to do the third one.  What is it?  The third picture

         24        will be the commission with the Constitution Revision

         25        staff, total staff; is that right?  Which will also


          1        include the Secretary.

          2             And we are going to have those three available for

          3        you as permanent things to have to remember your service

          4        by.  What we were going to do, after I go down here and

          5        Faye and I sign this document you have already signed, is

          6        ask everybody to come to the front.  Everybody under 5'9",

          7        up to 18, will be standing in front of the dais there.

          8        Everybody that's bigger than that or taller -- H.T., you

          9        have got to go down there with me -- will be on the second

         10        level.  And that will be the commission, stay on those two

         11        levels.

         12             So you know how tall you are.  And then if it comes

         13        out wrong, Mr. Tournay, who is our official photographer,

         14        E.T., Eric, will tell you to move.  And we are going to

         15        try to get everybody in a proper line.  Don't worry,

         16        Jacinta, you can take your shoes off because your feet

         17        aren't going to show in this picture.  You can do whatever

         18        you like.  So when we sign this, I'd like everybody to

         19        come up front and all the people under 5'9" get on the

         20        front.

         21             (Pause.)

         22             COMMISSIONER SCOTT:  We were wondering if we could

         23        revisit this leasehold interest and sovereign immunity and

         24        a couple of things like that before we close up here.

         25             CHAIRMAN DOUGLASS:  Certainly.  If you have 25 votes,


          1        we can move on.

          2             (Laughter.)

          3             CHAIRMAN DOUGLASS:  There are others that we might

          4        revisit too, Commissioner Scott.  You jest of course.  We

          5        are at the end and we are all going to go out to FSU

          6        stadium -- Commissioner Riley.

          7             COMMISSIONER RILEY:  If I may ask those who did not

          8        have an opportunity last night to sign the chair to the

          9        Chair.  It is in the back with the colors of permanent

         10        marker pens and ask them to please do that before they

         11        leave today.

         12             CHAIRMAN DOUGLASS:  Thank you.  That's a very nice

         13        memento.  And I get to sit on some of you in that chair,

         14        and lean back on others.  Commissioner Kogan signed it on

         15        the back so I could not sit on him or lean back on him.

         16             All right.  If everybody is ready, I am going to call

         17        on, guess who?  Commissioner Barkdull is recognized for a

         18        motion.

         19             COMMISSIONER BARKDULL:  Thank you, Mr. Chairman and

         20        Members of the Commission.  I now move you that we adjourn

         21        to reconvene upon the call of the Chairman or to expire

         22        sine die upon the date of the 1998 general election.  All

         23        right.

         24             CHAIRMAN DOUGLASS:  All right.  All in favor say aye;

         25        all opposed no.


          1             (Verbal vote taken.)

          2             CHAIRMAN DOUGLASS:  It carries unanimously and we are

          3        adjourned under those conditions.  And I will see you out

          4        at the stadium.

          5             (Session adjourned at 11:30 a.m.)






















          1                             CERTIFICATE

          2   STATE OF FLORIDA:

          3   COUNTY OF LEON:

          4             I, JULIE L. DOHERTY, Court Reporter, certify that I
              was authorized to and did stenographically report the
          5   foregoing proceedings and that the transcript is a true and
              complete record of my stenographic notes.
                        DATED this ______ day of ____________, 1998.

          9                      JULIE L. DOHERTY, RPR
                                 Court Reporter
         10                      Division of Administrative Hearings
                                 The DeSoto Building
         11                      1230 Apalachee Parkway
                                 Tallahassee, Florida  32399-3060
         12                      (850) 488-9675   Suncom 278-9675
                                 Fax Filing (850) 921-6847











