Message From the Chairman

The November meeting of the Steering Committee represents our fourth meeting as a group. In prior meetings, the Steering Committee identified several priority areas and has made significant progress. This newsletter represents part of our overall goal of public education, and it will be published on a bimonthly basis for the purpose of reporting the work of the Steering Committee. We hope that the Constitution Revision Commission will adopt the concept and format of the newsletter and will continue its publication throughout the revision process. In addition to distributing the newsletter to the interested parties on our mailing list, the newsletter will be simultaneously published on the Steering Committee's Internet Homepage. Up to this point the Steering Committee has focused on the following major objectives:

Revision Commission Budget. Preparing a budget for the 1997 Constitution Revision Commission.

Rules and Procedure. Developing rules of procedure for the Constitution Revision Commission. In addition to rules relating to the revision commission process, the Steering Committee is considering rules relating to lobbying and financial disclosure.

Public Education. Developing education materials relating to the constitution revision process in order to maximize the public's exposure to the process. The public education efforts include creating a Steering Committee internet homepage; encouraging major print and broadcast media to promote the revision process and report on the progress of the Steering Committee, and, ultimately, the Constitution Revision Commission; developing public forums for the purpose of educating the public on the revision process and stimulating public debate; and developing high school lesson plans on the Florida Constitution for the purpose of encouraging student interest and participation in the revision process.

Issues, Research, and Resources. Assembling issues, research, and resources relating to constitution revision. Because there is no central repository of these materials, the Steering Committee has undertaken an effort to collect these materials, identify deficiencies, and supplement research and resources.

The Steering Committee will continue to meet throughout the winter and spring and will submit its recommendations at the organizational meeting of the revision commission. Between now and then, we welcome your suggestions and involvement in this process.

W. Dexter Douglass
