CRC - 2017                                COMMISSIONER AMENDMENT
       Proposal No. P 6005
                              LEGISLATIVE ACTION                        
                    Senate             .             House              
                  Floor: 5/F           .                                
             04/16/2018 02:43 PM       .                                

       Commissioner Martinez moved the following:
    1         CRC Substitute for Amendment (642280) (with ballot
    2  amendment)
    4         Delete line 159
    5  and insert:
    6         county charter adopted after December 31, 1957, may not
    7  abolish the office of a sheriff, a tax
    9  ====== B A L L O T  S T A T E M E N T  A M E N D M E N T ======
   10  And the ballot statement is amended as follows:
   11         Delete lines 272 - 281
   12  and insert:
   13         Requires legislature to retain veterans’ affairs
   14  department. Ensures election of sheriffs, property appraisers,
   15  supervisors of elections, tax collectors, and clerks of court in
   16  all counties; removes county charters’ ability to abolish,
   17  change term, transfer duties, or eliminate election of these
   18  offices; exempts Miami-Dade. Changes annual legislative session
   19  commencement date in even numbered years from March to January;
   20  removes legislature’s authorization to fix date. Creates
   21  domestic security and counterterrorism office within department
   22  of law enforcement.