PUB 700554: Medical Board Responsibility to Patients and Impatrial Judgement Equal Justice by Natasha Edwards
In recent news as with a plastic surgeon had a revoked license and was given permission to return to work pending final judgement, this doctor was given opportunity to severely injure two more patients. What did a board member say on the news "I will always side with the doctor because of their years of schooling and experience. I am not taking a license away for mistake." Anither woman co-signed what the Medical Board Consultant stated. That is neither fair nor equal justice for the patients that have severe injuries or have passed away due to gross negligence.
The Medical Board and the consultants must be held responsible in the case of the repeated mal practice of the repeat offenders. The board member exihbiting prejudical behaviors or accepting kick backs need to be removed. It is supporting the "God Complex" that some Physician have that they are untouchable.
Public representation needs to be fair and equal at public hearing and for final judgements.
The Board shall not act prejudicial in favor of the colleagues and the Public are to be fairly and equal respresented for judgements and hearings.