PUB 700200: Eliminating Conflict in Appellate Jurisprudence Part 2 by Alvan Balent
ARTICLE V: JUDICIARY, Section 5. Circuit courts.
SECTION 5.Circuit courts.
- ORGANIZATION.—There shall be a circuit court serving each judicial circuit.
- JURISDICTION.—The circuit courts shall have original jurisdiction not vested in the county courts, and jurisdiction of appeals when provided by general law. They shall have the power to issue writs of mandamus, quo warranto, certiorari, prohibition and habeas corpus, and all writs necessary or proper to the complete exercise of their jurisdiction. Jurisdiction of the circuit court shall be uniform throughout the state. They shall have the power of direct review of administrative action prescribed by general law. With respect to their fulfilling their appellate responsibilities, the circuit courts have broad administrative discretion, which includes the ability to resolve any jurisprudential conflicts by establishing limited en banc panels.