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The CRC completed its work and submitted its final report. This website is maintained for archival purposes.

Florida Constitution Revision Commission

PUB 700337: The Governor: Single 4-Yr Term; 2-Yr Extension Possible by Loyal Millett

ARTICLE IV: EXECUTIVE, Section 3. Succession to office of governor; acting governor.

SECTION 3.Succession to office of governor; acting governor.
  1. Upon vacancy in the office of governor, the lieutenant governor shall become governor. Further succession to the office of governor shall be prescribed by law. A successor shall serve for the remainder of the term. No person who succeeds to the office of governor shall be eligible for a retention.
  2. Upon impeachment of the governor and until completion of trial thereof, or during the governor's physical or mental incapacity, the lieutenant governor shall act as governor. Further succession as acting governor shall be prescribed by law. Incapacity to serve as governor may be determined by the supreme court upon due notice after docketing of a written suggestion thereof by three cabinet members, and in such case restoration of capacity shall be similarly determined after docketing of written suggestion thereof by the governor, the legislature or three cabinet members. Incapacity to serve as governor may also be established by certificate filed with the custodian of state records by the governor declaring incapacity for physical reasons to serve as governor, and in such case restoration of capacity shall be similarly established.

ARTICLE IV: EXECUTIVE, Section 5. Election of governor, lieutenant governor and cabinet members; qualifications; terms.

SECTION 5. Election of governor, lieutenant governor and cabinet members; qualifications; terms.
  1. At a state-wide general election in each calendar year the number of which is even but not a multiple of four, the electors shall choose a governor and a lieutenant governor and members of the cabinet each for a term of four years beginning on the first Tuesday after the first Monday in January of the succeeding year. In primary elections, candidates for the office of governor may choose to run without a lieutenant governor candidate. In the general election, all candidates for the offices of governor and lieutenant governor shall form joint candidacies in a manner prescribed by law so that each voter shall cast a single vote for a candidate for governor and a candidate for lieutenant governor running together.
  2. When elected, the governor, lieutenant governor and each cabinet member must be an elector not less than thirty years of age who has resided in the state for the preceding seven years. The attorney general must have been a member of the bar of Florida for the preceding five years. No person who has, or but for resignation would have, served as governor or acting governor for more than six years in two consecutive terms shall be elected governor for the succeeding term.


Catchline: Election of governor, lieutenant-governor and cabinet members; qualifications; terms.



(1) Commencing at the 2022 statewide general election, the electors shall choose a governor for a term of four years beginning on the fifth day of January of the succeeding year.

(2)(A) In the manner to be prescribed by law, in each fourth year of a governor's tenure, the incumbent governor may choose to file a candidacy for retention. Such incumbent who files a candidacy shall face a retention to be held no later than the first Saturday of August of the same year. At the retention, the ballot shall ask: "Shall the Governor remain in office for an additional 2 years?" YES [] NO []

(B) If a majority of the electors vote YES, the incumbent governor shall remain in office for a grand total of six years.

(C) If a majority of the electors vote NO, the incumbent governor shall serve the remainder of his/her four-year term, and a new governor shall be elected at the succeeding November general election.

(3) Under no circumstances shall any person be eligible for reelection the office of governor if he/she has already served as governor. This restriction shall apply to any governor, whether or not he/she was retained.

(4) The incumbent governor at the time of the 2022 general election may be reelected to the office of governor, but he/she shall not be eligible for a retention.

(b) LIEUTENANT-GOVERNOR AND CABINET MEMBERS. At a state-wide general election in each calendar year the number of which is even but not a multiple of four, the electors shall choose a lieutenant governor and members of the cabinet each for a term of four years beginning on the fifth day of January of the succeeding year.

(c) QUALIFICATIONS. When elected, the governor, lieutenant governor and each cabinet member must be an elector not less than twenty-five years of age who has resided in the state for the preceding seven years. The attorney general must have been a member of the bar of Florida for the preceding five years.