PUB 700691: Article 1: Declaration of Rights by Victoria Olson
Water is a fundamental human right and a public trust to be guarded by all levels of government therefore it should never be privatized.
The Safe Drinking Water Act (SDWA) was established to protect the quality of drinking water in the U.S. This law focuses on all Waters actually or potentially designed for drinking use, whether from above ground or underground sources, clean Water is an absolute government obligation. “Water supplies and infrastructure are, fundamentally, a public service that requires strong accountability, transparency, and public trust. It’s critical that decisions regarding water resources and infrastructure be conducted in the public sector and not in partnership with water privatization companies. America will never forget what happened to the people of Flint Michigan who were poisoned when they switched to privatization.
Growing proof of the false promise of privatization, Water systems are by nature local monopolies. Water privatization companies command profit maximization over the public interest; profit from these contracts at the expense of local governments and communities, the private water industry’s political interference threatens the democratic governance and sustainable management of public water systems. Privatizing public water systems carries substantial risk to the management and sustainability of water resources and infrastructure therefore putting the our communities and state in jeopardy. Due to the state of Florida having such a fragile water aquifer and ecosystems.
- Florida shall deem no city, town, village, municipality, county, district or authority can lease, contract, partner or sell their water rights to a privatized water company.
- Should any of the municipalities,city, town, village, county, district or authority, currently have contracted services with one of the Water privatization companies they will be allowed to continue until the contract ends as to not be in breach of contract, therefore the contract shall not be renewed.
- Drinking Water shall have the standards and regulations that have been put in place by the Federal EPA not the Florida EPA which is inept.
- We will continue to keep our water infrastructure sound by continuing the use of Bonds for pollution control and abatement and other water facilities.— ARTICLE VII FINANCE AND TAXATION SECTION 14