Quote from the Florida Constitution


Proposal Information

With expert testimony and input from the public hearings completed, the members of the Taxation and Budget Reform Commission have begun to submit individual and committee measures in the form of statutory recommendations or constitutional proposals for consideration and debate by one or more of the four substantive committees. During the months of December and January, the measures will be taken up at the committee level and will be reported out either favorably or unfavorably.

Below are listed the committee proposals in order of submission. Chairman Bense assigns each of the measures to a committee of reference: the Finance & Taxation Committee, the Governmental Procedures & Structure Committee, the Governmental Services Committee, or the Planning & Budgetary Processes Committee.

Proposal numbers are based on this key:

Proposals 31 - 40

Proposal:Ad Valorum Tax Millage/NWFWMD
Proposal number:CP0031 (Adobe PDF - 173kb)
Proposal subject:A joint resolution proposing an amendment to Section 9 of Article VII and the creation of a new section in Article XII of the State Constitution to establish a uniform state-wide ad valorem tax millage limit for water management purposes.
Proposal type:Constitutional Proposal
Proposal sponsor:Governmental Services Committee
Committees of reference:Finance & Taxation Committee

Proposal:State Spending on Financial Aid and Tuition Assistance Programs
Proposal number:CP0032 (Adobe PDF - 140kb)
Proposal subject:A resolution proposing the creation of Section 8 of Article IX of the State Constitution to allocate state spending on financial aid and tuition assistance programs among merit-based, need-based, and other programs.
Proposal type:Constitutional Proposal
Proposal sponsor:Commissioner Les Miller
Committees of reference:Governmental Procedures and Structure Committee, Planning and Budgetary Processes Committee

Proposal:Tax Exemption for Municipal Property/Private Use
Proposal number:CP0033 (Adobe PDF - 24kb)
Staff Analysis:CP0033 Staff Analysis
Proposal subject:A resolution proposing an amendment to Section 3 of Article VII of the State Constitution to exempt from taxation property owned by a municipality and used exclusively for governmental purposes and to authorize all property owned by a municipality not otherwise exempt from taxation or by a special district and used or leased and operated for certain purposes to be exempted from taxation as provided by general law.
Proposal type:Constitutional Proposal
Proposal sponsor:Commissioner Carlos Lacasa
Committees of reference:Governmental Procedures & Structure Committee, Finance & Taxation Committee
Action by Committee(s) of Reference:Reported Favorably out of the Governmental Procedures & Structure Committee.

Proposal:Working Waterfront Assessments
Proposal number:CP0034 (Adobe PDF - 28kb)
Staff Analysis:CP0034 Staff Analysis
Committee SubstituteCS/CP0006, CP0008, CP0034
(PDF - 485kb)
CS/CP0006, CP0008, CP0034, First Engrossed (PDF - 24kb)
Committee Substitute Staff AnalysisCS/CP0006, CP0008, CP0034 Staff Analysis (PDF - 176kb)
CS/CP0006, CP0008, CP0034, First Engrossed Staff Analysis (168kb)
Proposal subject:A resolution proposing an amendment to Section 4 of Article VII and the creation of a new section in Article XII of the State Constitution to provide for the assessment of working waterfront properties based upon current use, rather than highest and best use.
Proposal type:Constitutional Proposal
Proposal sponsor:Commissioner Carlos Lacasa
Committees of reference:Finance & Taxation Committee
Action by Committee(s) of Reference:Reported favorably out of the Finance & Taxation Committee. Favorable by the Taxation & Budget Reform Commission. Transmittal letter sent to the Secretary of State on April 28, 2008.
Constitutional Proposal:CP0034 Transmittal Letter
Final Disposition:Placed on ballot as Amendment 6 by Secretary of State. Approved with 70.6% of the vote. (4,983,313 votes in favor / 2,072,041 votes opposed)

Proposal:Local Option Tax for Community Colleges
Proposal number:CP0035 (Adobe PDF - 16kb)
Staff Analysis:CP0035 Staff Analysis
Committee SubstituteCP0035, First Engrossed (PDF - 16kb)
Committee Substitute Staff AnalysisCP0035, First Engrossed Staff Analysis (Adobe PDF - 132kb)
Proposal subject:A joint resolution proposing an amendment to Section 9 of Article VII of the State Constitution to require the Legislature to authorize local option taxes to supplement funding for public community colleges.
Proposal type:Constitutional Proposal
Proposal sponsor:Governmental Services Committee
Committees of reference:Governmental Services Committee, Finance and Taxation Committee
Action by Committee(s) of Reference:Reported favorably out of the Governmental Services Committee and the Finance & Taxation Committee. Favorable by the Taxation & Budget Reform Commission. Transmittal letter sent to the Secretary of State on April 28, 2008.
Constitutional Proposal:CP0035 Transmittal Letter
Final Disposition:Placed on ballot as Amendment 9 by Secretary of State. Failed with 43.5% of the vote (3,210,481 votes in favor / 4,161,731 votes opposed)

Proposal:Transportation Funding
Proposal number:SR0036 (Adobe PDF - 180kb)
Staff Analysis:SR0036 Staff Analysis
Committee Substitute(s)CS/SR0036 (Adobe PDF - 180kb)
Committee Substitute Staff AnalysisCS/SR0036 Staff Analysis
(Adobe PDF - 152kb)
Proposal subject:An act relating to transportation funding; amending s. 206.021, F.S.; making conforming changes relating to the renaming of local option fuel taxes as local fueld taxes; smending s. 206.23, F.S.; ...
Proposal type:Statutory Recommendation
Proposal sponsor:Governmental Services Committee
Committees of reference:Governmental Services Committee, Finance and Taxation Committee
Action by Committee(s) of Reference:Reported Favorably out of the Governmental Services Committee and the Finance & Taxation Committee. Favorable by the Taxation & Budget Reform Commission, now in Style & Drafting Committee.
Statutory Recommendation:SR0036 Transmittal Letter
(Adobe PDF - 116kb)

Proposal:Supervised Re-entry Programs
Proposal number:SR0037 (Adobe PDF - 24kb)
Proposal subject:An act relating to supervised reentry programs; amending s. 945.091, F.S.; permitting the Department of Corrections to create a supervised reentry program; requiring participants to reside in an approved residence; ...
Proposal type:Statutory Recommendation
Proposal sponsor:Governmental Services Committee
Committees of reference:Governmental Services Committee, Planning and Budgetary Processes Committee
Action by Committee(s) of Reference:Temporarily Postponed by the Governmental Services Committee.

Proposal:Alternatives to Incarceration
Proposal number:SR0038 (Adobe PDF - 16kb)
Proposal subject:An act relating to alternatives to incarceration; amending s. 944.02, F.S.; defining the term "net term of incarceration with the department"; amending s. 944.023, F.S.; ...
Proposal type:Statutory Recommendation
Proposal sponsor:Governmental Services Committee
Committees of reference:Governmental Services Committee, Planning and Budgetary Processes Committee
Action by Committee(s) of Reference:Reported favorably out of the Governmental Services Committee. Temporarily Postponed by Planning & Budgetary Processes Committee.

Proposal:Inmate Gain-Time
Proposal number:SR0039 (Adobe PDF - 16kb)
Proposal subject:An act relating to inmate gain-time; amending s. 944.275, F.S.; permitting the Department of Corrections to grant additional incentive gain-time to certain inmates incarcerated on specified dates; ...
Proposal type:Statutory Recommendation
Proposal sponsor:Governmental Services Committee
Committees of reference:Governmental Services Committee, Planning and Budgetary Processes Committee
Action by Committee(s) of Reference:Temporarily Postponed by the Governmental Services Committee.

Proposal:Public Funding for All Service Providers
Proposal number:CP0040 (Adobe PDF - 16kb)
Staff Analysis:CP0040 Staff Analysis
Committee Substitute(s)CS/CP0040 (Adobe PDF - 20kb)
Committee Substitute Staff AnalysisCS/CP0040 Staff Analysis
(Adobe PDF - 216kb)
Proposal subject:A resolution proposing the creation of Section 27 of Article I of the State Constitution to authorize the Legislature to fund private or religious providers of public services, such as health care and education, and to authorize the public to choose among such service providers as permitted by law.
Proposal type:Constitutional Proposal
Proposal sponsor:Governmental Procedures and Structure Committee
Committees of reference:Governmental Procedures & Structure Committee, Planning & Budgetary Processes Committee
Action by Committee(s) of Reference:Reported favorably out of the Governmental Procedures & Structure Committee and the Planning & Budgetary Processes Committee. Favorable by the Taxation & Budget Reform Commission. Transmittal letter sent to the Secretary of State on April 28, 2008.
Constitutional Proposal:CP0040 Transmittal Letter
Final Disposition:Placed on ballot as Amendment 8 by Secretary of State. Subsequently removed from ballot by Florida Supreme Court (Ford v. Browning, 992 So. 2d 132 - Fla 2008).