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Amendments, Election of 11-5-46:
1945 SJR 663 (Article XX, Sections 1, 2) {Adopted} 1945 HJR 23 (Article VIII, Sections 12*, 13*) {Defeated} 1945 CS/HJR 73 (Article III, Section 30) {Defeated} 1945 HJR 110 (Article XVI, Section 34) {Defeated} 1945 HJR 217 (Article VIII, Sections 14, 15) {Defeated} 1945 HJR 277 (Article V, Section 48) {Defeated}
*For a number of years, some of the section numbers assigned by the Legislature were erroneous;
then for several more years, the Legislature omitted the section number from some proposed
amendments with the instruction: "to be assigned by the Secretary of State upon ratification."
A Joint Resolution Proposing an Amendment to the Constitution of the State of Florida, to be Known
as Article XX, Sections 1 and 2, Thereof, Relating to the Consolidation, Abolishing or Creating of
Certain County Offices, and the Assessment and Collection of Municipal Taxes by County Tax
Officials, in Orange County, Florida, and Providing for Referendum Elections for Acceptance or
Rejection of any Law or Laws Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida as Provided in said
Proposed Amendment.
Be it Resolved by the Legislature of the State of Florida:
That the following amendment to the Constitution of Florida, to be known as Article XX,
Sections 1 and 2 thereof, relating to the consolidation, abolishing and creating of certain county
offices and for assessment and collection of municipal taxes by county tax officers, in Orange County,
Florida, and providing for referendum elections for acceptance or rejection of any law or laws enacted
by the Legislature of Florida as provided therein, be submitted to the qualified electors of the State
of Florida for adoption or rejection at the next general election to be held in the year 1946, to-wit:
Section 1. The legislature is authorized and empowered to provide by law or laws enacted by it
at its regular session held in A. D. 1947, or at any regular session thereafter, for the consolidation,
abolishing or creating of any county offices in Orange County, Florida, provided there is excepted
from the effects of this Article judges of all courts; and to provide for the assessment and collection
of municipal taxes and assessments, or either of them, by County tax officers in said County. Any
law so enacted respecting the consolidation or creation of any County offices shall prescribe the
powers, duties and compensation of the officers designated therein to exercise and discharge the
duties of the offices so consolidated or created; and any law so enacted respecting the assessment and
collection of municipal taxes and assessments, or either of them, by County tax officers, shall provide
for the assessing, collecting, accounting for and disbursing of said taxes and/or assessments to the
appropriate municipal authorities, and for compensation for such County taxing officers for services
rendered incident thereto. That if any such law respecting the consolidation or creation of any county
offices is accepted and ratified at the referendum election herein provided, such law shall become
effective with respect to the offices affected thereby on the first Tuesday after the first Monday in
January of any year immediately succeeding the general election had subsequent to said referendum
election at which electors for President of the United States are voted for; and if any such law
respecting the assessment and collection of municipal taxes and assessments, or either of them, by
county tax officers is accepted and ratified at the referendum elections as provided herein, the same
shall become effective on the first day of January next succeeding such referendum election.
Section 2. Before any law described in the preceding section of this article shall be of any force
and effect, it shall be accepted and ratified by a majority vote of the qualified electors of Orange
County, Florida, at a referendum election to be called and held for the purpose of determining
whether such law shall be accepted and ratified or rejected by the qualified electors of said county.
Such referendum election shall be held within ninety days after the effective date of any such law.
The Board of County Commissioners shall provide for the holding of any such referendum election
and notice thereof shall be published by said Board once each week for at least four successive weeks
immediately next prior to the date of such election in a newspaper of general circulation in said
County. Except as herein otherwise provided, the laws of the State relating to the holding of general
elections shall cover the holding of any such referendum election. If any such law shall be accepted
and ratified by the majority of electors participating in any such referendum election, such law shall
become and be in full force and effect, but if at any such election a majority of the electors
participating therein shall vote against the acceptance and ratification of such law, it shall be null and
void and of no force and effect. The canvassing board of said County shall certify the result of any
such referendum election to the Secretary of State within ten days after the holding thereof.
Filed in Office Secretary of State June 11, 1945.
A JOINT RESOLUTION Proposing an Amendment to Article VIII of the Constitution of the State
of Florida Relative to Assessment of Property for Taxes and the Collection of Taxes, by Amending
Sections 11 and 12 of Article VIII of the Constitution of the State of Florida as Adopted at the
General Election of November, 1944, said Amendment to Provide for the Re-Numbering of Sections
11 and 12 of Article VIII of the Constitution of the State of Florida as Adopted at the General
Election in November, 1944, and to Amend Sections 11 and 12 of Article VIII of the Constitution
of the State of Florida, and to Provide that in the County of Hillsborough, State of Florida, the
County Tax Assessor shall Assess the Property of the County for the Purpose of Levying State,
County, Schools and Municipalities in the County of Hillsborough Except the City of Plant City,
Florida, Which Shall be Exempt from the Provisions of this Amendment, Taxes Levied by the State,
County, County School Board, School District, Special Tax School Districts and the Municipalities
of the County Except the City of Plant City, Florida.
Be it Resolved by the Legislature of the State of Florida:
That the following amendment of Article VIII of the Constitution of the State of Florida
relative to the assessment and collection of all taxes in the County of Hillsborough, State of Florida,
by re-numbering Section 11 as adopted at the General Election of 1944 so as to make it read Section
12 of Article VIII of the Constitution of the State of Florida, and by amending Section 12 of Article
VIII of the Constitution of the State of Florida as adopted at the General Election in November of
1944 so as to make it read Section 13 of Article VIII of the Constitution of the State of Florida, and
to exclude the city of Plant City from said amendment; Be, and the same is hereby agreed to and shall
be submitted to the Electors of the State of Florida for ratification or rejection at the General Election
to be held on the first Tuesday after the first Monday in November, 1946:
Section 12. (1) From and after January 1, 1948, the County Tax Assessor of Hillsborough County shall assess all property for all State, County, School and Municipal Taxes to be levied in Hillsborough County by the State, County, County School Board, School Districts, Special Tax School Districts and Municipalities except in the city of Plant City, Florida, which city shall be exempt from the provisions of this Section. (2) The Legislature shall, at the Legislative Session in 1947 and from time to time thereafter, enact
laws specifying the powers, functions, duties and compensation of the County Tax Assessor
designated in Paragraph 1 of Section 12, and shall likewise provide by law for the extension on the
Assessment Roll of the County Tax Assessor of all taxes levied by the State, County, County School
Board, School Districts, Special Tax School Districts and Municipalities located in the county of
Hillsborough, State of Florida, with the exception of the City of Plant City, which is hereby exempt
from the provisions of this Amendment.
Section 13. (1) From and after January 1, 1948, the County Tax Collector in the County of Hillsborough, State of Florida, shall collect all taxes levied in the County by the State, County, County School Board, School Districts, Special Tax School Districts and Municipalities of Hillsborough County, Florida, except in the city of Plant City, it being exempt from the provisions of this Amendment. (2) The Legislature shall at the Legislative Session of 1947 and from time to time thereafter, enact
laws specifying the powers, functions, duties and compensation of County Tax Collector designated
in Paragraph 1 of Section 13, and shall likewise provide for the collection, care, custody, reporting
and disbursement of all taxes collected by the County Tax Collector.
Filed in Office Secretary of State May 17, 1945.
A JOINT RESOLUTION Proposing the Amendment of Section 30, of Article III of the Constitution
of the State of Florida Relating to Appropriations.
Be it Resolved by the Legislature of the State of Florida:
That the following amendment of Section 30, Article III of the Constitution of the State of
Florida relating to appropriations is hereby agreed to and shall be submitted to the electors of the
State of Florida for ratification or rejection at the next General Election to be held in November, A.
D., 1946; that is to say that said Section 30, Article III of the Constitution of the State of Florida shall
be amended and as amended shall read as follows:
Section 30. Laws making appropriations for the salaries of public officials and employees and all
other expenses of the State shall contain provisions on no other subject, nor shall an appropriation
be an incident of any other bill; all State appropriations except appropriations for the county schools,
counties, cities, or other political subdivisions of the State, appropriations for permanent
improvements and buildings for State institutions as provided for by laws enacted in the 1945
legislature or prior legislatures and for pensions, retirement funds and trust funds, shall be included
in one general appropriation bill or any amendment or supplement thereto, and shall be for no longer
than two years. All appropriations made prior to the adoption of this section which are contrary to
the provisions of this section shall expire as of July 1, 1947.
Filed in Office Secretary of State May 24, 1945.
A JOINT RESOLUTION Proposing an Amendment to Article XVI, of the Constitution of the State
of Florida, by Adding Thereto an Additional Section to Provide for the Appointment by a Concurrent
Resolution of the Senate and House of Representatives of a Director of the Budget and to Authorize
the Legislature to Prescribe His Powers and Duties, Qualifications and Term of Office.
Be it Resolved by the Legislature of the State of Florida:
That the following amendment to Article XVI of the Constitution of the State of Florida, by
adding thereto an additional section to be known as Section 34, be and the same is hereby agreed to
and shall be submitted to the electors of the State of Florida for ratification or rejection at the general
election for Representatives to be held in the year 1946, as follows:
Section 34. The Legislature shall by law provide for a Director of the Budget, who shall be
appointed by a concurrent resolution of the Senate and House of Representatives, and shall by law,
consistent with other provisions of this Constitution, prescribe his powers and duties, provide for his
qualifications and term of office, the length of which shall be wholly within the discretion of the
Legislature and shall not be limited by Section 7, Article XVI of the Constitution.
Filed in Office Secretary of State May 24, 1945.
A JOINT RESOLUTION Proposing an Amendment to Article VIII of the Constitution of the State
of Florida Relative to Assessment of Property for Taxes and the Collection of Taxes, by Adding
thereto Additional Sections to Provide that in the County of Bay, State of Florida, the County Tax
Assessor Shall Assess the Property of the County for the Purpose of Levying State, County, School
and Municipal Taxes Levied by the State, County, County School Board, School Districts, Special
Tax School Districts and Municipalities of the County.
Be it Resolved by the Legislature of the State of Florida:
That the following amendment to Article VIII of the Constitution of the State of Florida
relative to the Assessment and Collection of all taxes in the County of Bay, State of Florida, by
adding thereto additional sections to be known as Section 14 and Section 15, be and the same is
hereby agreed to and shall be submitted to the electors of the State of Florida for ratification or
rejection at the general election to be held on the first Tuesday after the first Monday in November,
1946, as follows:
Section 14. (1) From and after January 1, 1948, the County Tax Assessor in the County of Bay, State of Florida, shall assess all property for all State, County, School and Municipal taxes to be levied in the County by the State, County, County School Board, School Districts, Special Tax School Districts and Municipalities. (2) The Legislature shall at the Legislative Session in 1947 and from time to time thereafter, enact
laws specifying the powers, functions, duties and compensation of County Tax Assessor, designated
in Paragraph 1 of this Section 14, and shall likewise provide by law for the extension on the
assessment roll of the County Tax Assessor of all taxes levied by the State, County, County School
Board, School Districts, Special Tax School Districts and Municipalities.
Section 15. (1) From and after January 1, 1948, the County Tax Collector in the County of Bay, State of Florida, shall collect all taxes levied in the County by the State, County, County School Board, School Districts, Special Tax School Districts and Municipalities. (2) The Legislature shall at the Legislative Session of 1947, and from time to time thereafter enact
laws specifying the powers, functions, duties and compensation of County Tax Collector designated
in Paragraph 1 of this Section 15, and shall likewise provide for the collection, care, custody,
reporting and disbursement of all taxes collected by the County Tax Collector.
Filed in Office Secretary of State May 26, 1945.
A JOINT RESOLUTION Proposing an Amendment to Article V of the Constitution of Florida by
Adding Thereto an Additional Section Relating to the Election of the Judge of the Court of Record
in and for Escambia County and the County Solicitor of Said County.
Be it Resolved by the Legislature of the State of Florida:
That Article V of the Constitution of the State of Florida be amended by adding thereto an
additional section to be known as Section 48 of said article, relating to the election of the Judge of
the Court of Record in and for Escambia County and the County Solicitor of said county and the
same is hereby agreed to, and shall be submitted to the electors of the State of Florida for ratification
or rejection at the General Election to be held on the first Tuesday after the first Monday in
November, 1946, as follows:
Section 48. The Judge of the Court of Record in and for Escambia County and the County Solicitor of said County shall hereafter be elected by the qualified electors of said county as other state and county officials are elected. The first election of the Judge of the Court of Record in and for Escambia County and of the County Solicitor of said county shall be held at the General Election in 1948, to take office the first Tuesday after the first Monday in January, 1949, for a term of four years. The term or tenure of office of anyone heretofore or hereafter appointed to either of the offices herein mentioned shall not be extended hereby. Any vacancy in either of said offices which occurs prior to said first Tuesday after the first Monday in January, 1949, shall be filled by appointment by the governor and confirmation by the Senate as heretofore provided by the Constitution, but in no case for any longer than until the first Tuesday after the first Monday in January, 1949, and the term or tenure of office of anyone appointed to either of said offices for the term beginning in 1947 shall expire on said first Tuesday after the first Monday in January, 1949. Any provision of the Constitution is conflict herewith is hereby repealed.
Filed in Office Secretary of State June 11, 1945. |
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