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Amendments, Election of 11-7-50:
1949 SJR 25 (Article V, Section 50*) {Adopted} 1949 SJR 46 (Article VII, Section 5) {Adopted} 1949 SJR 290 (Article III, Section 16) {Adopted} 1949 HJR 153 (Article V, Section 51*) {Adopted} 1949 HJR 85-X (Article V, Section 16A) {Adopted}
*For a number of years, some of the section numbers assigned by the Legislature were erroneous;
then for several more years, the Legislature omitted the section number from some proposed
amendments with the instruction: "to be assigned by the Secretary of State upon ratification."
Related Material:
"Florida's Proposed Constitutional Amendments," by Hulda Grobman. Civic Information Series No. 1, Public Administration Clearing Service, University of Florida. 1950.
A Joint Resolution Proposing an Amendment to Article V of the Constitution of the State of Florida,
by Adding Thereto an Additional Section to Provide that the Legislature Shall Have Power to Create,
Establish, and Define the Jurisdiction and Powers of Juvenile Courts and of the Officers Thereof, to
Vest in Such Courts Exclusive Original Jurisdiction of All or Any Criminal Cases where Minors under
Any Age Specified by the Legislature Are Accused, Including the Right to Define Offenses as Acts
of Delinquency Instead of Crimes; to Provide for the Qualification, Election or Selection and
Appointment, Compensation, and Term of Office of Judges, Probation Officers, and Other Officers
and Employees of Such Courts; without Being Limited Therein by Certain Existing Provisions of Said
Be it Resolved by the Legislature of the State of Florida:
That the following Amendment to Article V of the Constitution of the State of Florida, by
adding thereto an additional section to be known as Section 48, be and the same is hereby agreed to
and shall be submitted to the electors of the State of Florida for ratification or rejection at the general
election to be held on the first Tuesday after the first Monday in November, 1950, as follows:
Section 48. The legislature shall have power to create and establish Juvenile Courts in such county
or counties or districts within the State as it may deem proper, and to define the jurisdiction and
powers of such courts and the officers thereof, and to vest in such courts exclusive original
jurisdiction of all or any criminal cases where minors under any age specified by the Legislature from
time to time are accused, including the right to define any or all offenses committed by any such
persons as acts of delinquency instead of crimes; to provide for the qualification, election or selection
and appointment of judges, probation officers, and such other officers and employees of such courts
as the Legislature may determine, and to fix their compensation and term of office; all in such manner,
for such time, and according to such methods as the Legislature may prescribe and determine, without
being limited therein by the provisions in this Constitution as to trial by jury in Sections 3 and 11 of
the Declaration of Rights, as to use of the terms "prosecuting attorney" and "information" in Section
10 of the Declaration of Rights, as to election or appointment of officers in Section 27 of Article III,
as to jurisdiction of criminal cases in Sections 11, 17, 22 and 25 of Article V, as to original
jurisdiction of the interests of minors in Section 11 of Article V, and as to style of process and
prosecuting in the name of the State in Section 37 of Article V, or other existing conflicting
provisions of this Constitution.
Approved by the Governor June 7, 1949.
Filed in Office Secretary of State June 7, 1949.
A Joint Resolution Proposing an Amendment to Section 5, Article VII of the Constitution of the
State of Florida Relative to the State Census, Making a State Enumeration Unnecessary and Adopting
the Preceding Decennial Federal Census as the State Census.
Be it Resolved by the Legislature of the State of Florida:
That the follow Amendment to Section 5, Article VII of the Constitution of the State of
Florida relative to the State Census, be and the same is hereby agreed to and shall be submitted to the
electors of the State of Florida for ratification or rejection at the general election to be held on the
first Tuesday after the first Monday in November, 1950, as follows:
Section 5. The Legislature shall no longer be required to provide for an enumeration of the
inhabitants of the State. The last preceding decennial Federal census beginning with the Federal
census of 1950 shall also be the State census and shall control in all population Acts and
constitutional apportionments, unless otherwise ordered by the Legislature.
Approved by the Governor May 16, 1949.
Filed in Office Secretary of State May 16, 1949.
A Joint Resolution Proposing an Amendment to Article III of the Constitution, Relating to the
Legislative Department of the State Government by Amending Section 16 Thereof Pertaining to
Titles of Legislative Acts; Amendments and Subjects of Legislative Acts.
Be it Resolved by the Legislature of the State of Florida:
That the following amendment to Article III, Section 16 of the Constitution of Florida is
hereby agreed [to] and shall be submitted to the electors of the State of Florida for ratification or
rejection at the next general election to be held in November, A. D. 1950, as follows:
Section 16. Acts; One Subject; Expressed in Title; Amendments. Each law enacted in the
legislature shall embrace but one subject and matter properly connected therewith, which subject shall
be briefly expressed in the title, and no law shall be amended or revised to its title only; but in such
case the act as revised or section or subsection of a section, or paragraph of a subsection of a section,
as amended, shall be reenacted and published at length.
Became a law without the Governor's approval.
Filed in Office Secretary of State June 13, 1949.
A Joint Resolution Proposing an Amendment to Article V of the Constitution of Florida, Relating to
the Judicial Department by Adding Thereto a Section to be Known as Section 48 of Article V Therein
Providing for an Additional Judicial Circuit of the Circuit Courts of Florida which Shall be the
Sixteenth Judicial Circuit and Shall Consist of Monroe County, Florida, and for the Election of a
States' Attorney and a Circuit Judge of Such Circuit.
Be it Resolved by the Legislature of the State of Florida:
That the following amendment to Article V of the Constitution of Florida, by adding a section
to be known as Section 48 of said Article V is hereby agreed to and shall be submitted to the electors
of the State of Florida for ratification or rejection at the next general election to be held in 1950, as
Section 48. There is created a Judicial Circuit of the State of Florida, which is the Sixteenth Judicial Circuit and which shall consist of the county of Monroe and for which there shall be elected one Circuit Judge and one States' Attorney as provided by law. The Circuit Judge from group seven in and for the Eleventh Judicial Circuit and residing in Monroe County shall be the Circuit Judge of the Sixteenth Judicial Circuit and shall continue as such Judge until the expiration of his term of office, to-wit, the first Tuesday after the first Monday in January, 1955. The State Attorney shall be appointed by the Governor to serve until the first Tuesday after
the first Monday in January 1953.
Filed in Office Secretary of State June 3, 1949.
Proposing to Amend Article V of the Constitution of the State of Florida Relating to the Judicial
Department of the Government of the State of Florida.
Be it Resolved by the Legislature of the State of Florida:
That the following amendment to Article V of the Constitution of the State of Florida is
hereby agreed to and shall be submitted to the electors of this State for ratification or rejection at the
next general election to be held in the year 1950, A. D., that is to say: A new section shall be added
to said Article V to be designated Section 16A, reading and providing as follows:
Section 16A. When and as the business of the office of the County Judge requires, in any county
having a population of more than two hundred and fifty thousand according to the last census taken
by the United States government, the Legislature may provide for one additional County Judge who
shall be elected by the qualified electors of such county at the time and places of voting for other
county officers and such additional County Judge shall hold his office for four years, and his
compensation shall be provided for by law, and he shall have and exercise all the powers and perform
all the duties that are or may be provided or prescribed by the Constitution or statutes for County
Judges, and all laws relating to the County Judge shall apply to said additional County Judge.
Filed in Office Secretary of State October 4, 1949. |
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