PUB 700648: No Out of State Political Contributions in Local and State Elections by Todd Misamore
ARTICLE VI: SUFFRAGE AND ELECTIONS, Section 7. Campaign spending limits and funding of campaigns for elective state-wide office.
It is the policy of this state to provide for state-wide elections in which all qualified candidates may compete effectively. A method of public financing for campaigns for state-wide office shall be established by law. Spending limits shall be established for such campaigns for candidates who use public funds in their campaigns. The legislature shall provide funding for this provision. General law implementing this paragraph shall be at least as protective of effective competition by a candidate who uses public funds as the general law in effect on January 1, 1998.
No candidate for state or local office in The State of Florida, shall accept contributions of money, donations, gifts, property, or any other type of financial help, which exceeds one hundred U.S. dollars in value, from individual persons, companies, governments, political support groups, or other financial sources, whose primary place of residence is outside of Florida or which is completely or primarily based outside The State of Florida or who do business primarily outside The State of Florida. Additionally, no contributions, gifts, or financial support of any kind as defined in this amendment, the purpose of which is to circumvent the intent of this law, shall be given to a candidate for state or local office in The State of Florida, by a political party, political support group, or entity if those contributions were originally obtained by a person, company, government or other financial source whose primary place of residence or place of business or their place of operations is primarily based outside of The State of Florida, or who do business primarily outside of Florida. Additionally, no money, gifts, donations, or property may used by a person who runs for a state or local office in The State of Florida, if it was given to to that person in anticipation of them seeking a state or local office, or to reimburse that person for campaign expenses after the fact, by any person, business, political group, or entity whose primary residence, primary address, primary business, or who conduct their primary operations outside of The State of Florida. Any candidate for a state or local office who violates this law, or who violates the intent of this law, shall be disqualified from the election in which they are a candidate or seek to become a candidate, and they shall have their name removed from the ballot if time allows, and they will be fined up to 200% of the value of the amount received or promised, plus all costs incurred by The State of Florida to enforce this law. The Attorney General of Florida will enforce this law, the collection of fines, and they may also pursue jail time to enforce that collection of fines if necessary or deemed appropriatate by The Attorney General.